October 2020 - IND B
CATANA SAS - Zone Technique du Port - 66140 CANET EN ROUSSILLON (FRANCE)
e - mail: infocatana@catana.com - Tel 33 (0)4 68 80 13 13 - Fax 33 (0)4 68 80 13 19
6.4. Operating the sea toilets
Check the level in the holding tank before using the toilets
Open the seawater inlet valve.
Move the lever to the “flush” position.
Pump the handle.
To empty the bowl and avoid any ingress of water when heeled, move the lever to the "dry
bowl" position.
Pump the handle until the bowl is dry.
Repeat this operation of flushing / emptying the bowl as many times as necessary to ensure
that the hoses are completely empty.
When the toilets are not i
n use, put the lever in the “LOCK” position.
Close the valves after use, as the toilet is located just above the waterline.
Regularly change the seals and filter of the seatoilet.
Flush position
Dry bowl position
Figure 5