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Configuring Fibre Channel
Over Ethernet
This chapter provides the following information about the Fibre Channel over
Ethernet (FCoE) protocol:
“FCoE Boot from SAN” on page 135
“Booting from SAN After Installation” on page 172
“Configuring FCoE” on page 174
In today’s data center, multiple networks, including network attached storage
(NAS), management, IPC, and storage, are used to achieve the necessary
performance and versatility. In addition to iSCSI for storage solutions, FCoE can
now be used with capable Cavium C-NICs. FCoE is a standard that allows Fibre
Channel protocol to be transferred over Ethernet by preserving existing Fibre
Channel infrastructures and capital investments by classifying received FCoE and
FIP frames.
The following FCoE features are supported:
Receiver classification of FCoE and FIP frames. FIP is the FCoE
Initialization Protocol used to establish and maintain connections.
Receiver CRC offload
Transmitter CRC offload
Dedicated queue set for Fibre Channel traffic
DCB provides lossless behavior with PFC
DCB allocates a share of link bandwidth to FCoE traffic with ETS