1–Product Overview
Adapter Management
AH0054601-00 B
QLogic Control Suite CLI
QLogic Control Suite (QCS) CLI is a console application that you can run from a
Windows command prompt or a Linux terminal console. Use QCS CLI to manage
QLogic FastLinQ 3400/8400/41000/45000 Series Adapters and any QLogic
adapter based on 57
controllers on both local and remote computer
systems. For information about installing and using QCS CLI, see the
Guide—QLogic Control Suite CLI
QLogic QConvergeConsole GUI
The QConvergeConsole (QCC) GUI is a Web-based management tool for
configuring and managing QLogic Fibre Channel Adapters, Converged Network
Adapters, and Intelligent Ethernet Adapters. You can use QCC GUI on Windows
and Linux platforms to manage QLogic adapters on both local and remote
computer systems. QCC GUI is dependent upon additional software (a
management agent) for the adapter. The management agent is installed
separately from QCC GUI. QCC GUI cannot communicate with the hardware until
the management agent has been installed.
For information about installing QCC GUI, see the
Installation Guide—
QConvergeConsole GUI
. For information about using the QCC GUI, see the
online help.
QLogic QConvergeConsole vCenter Plug-in
The QConvergeConsole vCenter
Plug-in is a Web-based management tool that
is integrated into the VMware vCenter Server for configuring and managing
QLogic Fibre Channel adapters, Converged Network Adapters, and Intelligent
Ethernet Adapters in a virtual environment. You can use the vCenter Plug-in
installed in the VMware vSphere clients to manage QLogic adapters. For
information about installing and using the vCenter Plug-in, see the
User’s Guide—
QConvergeConsole Plug-ins for vSphere
Although QLogic Control Suite CLI does not run on a Windows Nano Server
shell, you can install the QLNXRemote agent on a Nano Server system and
manage it remotely through QCS CLI using the
(Add Host) and
(Remove Host) commands. For QCS CLI to connect to the
remote QLNXRemote Nano agent, you must disable or correctly configure
the firewall on the Nano system. For instructions on installing the
QLNXRemote agent on a Nano Server, refer to the
Windows Agent Installers Readme
located inside the QCS CLI for Windows
download available on the QLogic Downloads and Documentation page: