If you have checked everything and the unit is still not working please contact your dealer.
Power indicator light does
not come on when power
switch is toggled on.
No power at the receptacle.
Test by plugging in a light
or appliance that you know
The power cord is not
plugged in.
Fuse may be broken.
Check and reset or replace
the appropriate breakers
or fuses.
Insure both ends of the
power cord are securely
plugged in.
Replace the fuse with one
of the spare fuses.
Cannot play.
Something disturbs in
the surroundings. For
example, strong
fluorescent lamp.
The batteries have not
enough power.
There are obstacles
between the remote
control unit and the
Leave the disturbing
Change the batteries.
Remove the obstacles
No sound.
The disc is scratched
seriously or dirty.
The disc is placed
reversedly or there is
dew condensed on the
laser head.
The disc cannot be
Change a good disc or
clean the disc.
Place the disc label-side
Place the player in a dry
surrounding for several
Play discs that can be
identified by the player.
The function of the
remote control unit is
not sensitive.
The signal cables are
not connected well.
The mute function is
start up.
Connect the signal
cables well.
Cancel the mute function.