3. Installation
1. CD-R/W & Hard Disk Installation
① Jumper Setup as Master or Slave
• Set the Jumper on CD-R/W to ‘Master’ or ‘Slave’
(Refer to the jumper settings labelled on CD-R/W).
• If installing One CD-RW on an IDE Cable, set as ‘Master’.
• If installing One CD-RW & One HDD onto one IDE Cable,
Set the HDD as ‘Master’ and set the CD-R/W as ‘Slave’.
When installing, swapping, or removing a CD-R/W,
shut down system properly (Power System Off
using Power Button) and disconnect power to DVR.
Jumper set to
② Remove Bracket for CD-R/W drive bay, on the Front Panel
③ After Assembly with Drive Bracket, Attach it to the DVR Case