CD42 Pipeline Pig Location & Tracking System
Page 42
Once the capture file has been named and opened by the terminal program, simply press ENTER on
your keyboard again. The CD42-R will "dump" the data to the screen, which will also be written
into the capture file. The data dump will normally look similar to Figure 63.
Figure 63 Data Dump Example
As you can see, the bulk of the information is indeed "comma separated values". Once the dump
has completed, the capture file must be closed. This prevents everything else that you do with the
CD42-R during the session from being logged to disk. To close the capture flag with
HyperTerminal, choose "Stop" as shown in Figure 64.
Figure 64 Closing Capture Text File
You now have successfully stored the image of a given pig passage to disk. You may now open it
directly from within a spreadsheet program by specifying the file to open is a *.CSV file and then
you may use that program's charting functions to manipulate the data in any way that you wish.
You may also overlap recordings, join recordings together, or anything else that you can think of
doing with a spreadsheet program. Figure 65 is a Microsoft Excel image created with the above
captured data by simply choosing to generate a line graph.