Warning concerning guarantees; Limitations of use
The only recourse for the customer under this limited warranty is the repair or
replacement of the product as described above. Claims based on warranties, including
warranties of merchantability or adaptation to a particular use, are limited to the shortest
period permitted by law, which can not be less than two years. CDL Maple Sugaring
Equipment Inc. will not be held liable for incidental or consequential damages or material
damage. Some states do not allow limitations or exemption for incidental or
consequential damages or restriction of guarantees. In this case, this limitation or
exclusion may not apply. This written warranty gives you specific legal rights. According to
the state or province, it is possible that you have other rights.
If you need to call for repair
Keep your receipt, delivery slip, or any other appropriate payment record to establish the
warranty period in case you ever need to call for repair. If a repair is performed, it is in
your best interest to obtain and keep all receipts. The service you are entitled to under
this warranty must be obtained by contacting CDL at one of the addresses or phone
numbers below.
The service for your evaporator will be done by CDL in Canada. The characteristics
described or illustrated and specifications may be changed without notice.
If you live in Canada, please
call: CDL Maple Sugaring
Equipment 257 Route 279
St-Lazare, Québec,
Canada G0R 3J0
(418) 883-5158
If you live in the U.S.A., please call:
CDL St-Albans
3 Lemnah Drive
St-Albans, VT
(800) 762-5587
Les Équipements d’Érablière CDL Inc.