If there is space to mount the rack underneath without fouling the ground as the
gate moves, the following are the pros and cons:
The rack is more hidden from view
It provides a very effective anti-lift bracket
It ensures that as the gate beds in, the rack does not drop onto the pinion
loading the operator unnecessarily
Rack teeth face up vertically potentially collecting dirt
Custom bracket
With careful selection of the rack configuration, and operator vertical height,
mounting of the rack could in some cases be greatly simplified.
If a theft-resistant cage is required, be sure to leave enough clearance from
pillars, etc.
If using nylon angle rack please ensure that the weight and pull force of the
gate do not exceed the strength limit of the rack
10. Operator installation
Locate operator position
To ensure operator does not protrude into driveway, install base plate at least flush with
the driveway entrance
Determine a suitable position and vertical height for the operator by considering Figures
8, 9 and 10
It is typical to mount the rack above the pinion as shown in Figures 8A, 9A and 10A for
each type of rack considered. However, in each case, Figures 8B, 9B and 10B show the
rack mounted underneath
page 16
* Includes 3mm clearance required between rack and pinion
FIGURE 8A Steel rack, above pinion
FIGURE 8B Steel rack, below pinion
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32 - 50
(Recommended to
allow for adjustment)
(Recommended to
allow for adjustment)
Flat bar welded to
foundation plate and rail
Raised foundation