page 59
25. Fault-finders guide
Gate does not move
Fuse is blown – Check 30A ATO fuse, and replace if necessary
Lck (Holiday lockout) input activated. Green Lck light should
IRBC/IRBO (IR beams) inputs activated
Gate moves a short
distance, and then stops
IRBC - gate will not close once open; IRBO - gate will
not open once closed
Green IRBC/IRBO lights should be
- check cabling
and Aux 12V Out
Latching input on Trg or FRX
Both Trg and FRX lights must be off for gate to operate.
Check for an auto-activation (auto function) on FRX and Trg
inputs. Refer to diagnostic screen with matrix showing
different auto-activations (auto function) and time-barring
functions on the different inputs
Check the battery condition with procedure A: Low battery
voltage condition, later in this section
If status light flashes four times or there is a “Max Collisions”
indication on the LCD display, then the operator is in Multiple
Collision Mode. If required, check with procedure B: False
collision detection, later in this section
If the problem persists, the main controller might be faulty
Check the battery condition with procedure A: Low battery
voltage condition, especially if the status light flashes three
times or there is a “Battery Low” indication on the LCD display
Check for false collisions with procedure B: False collision
detection, later in this section (status light could also flash
four times if the number of detected collisions exceeded the
Collision counter feature value) and LCD indicates “Max
Intermittent IRBC/IRBO signals. Check that the voltage
applied to the beams is appropriate
Spurious trigger. Intermittent short due to possible moisture
on the FRX or Trg inputs. Monitor FRX or Trg LED's
If the problem is still not solved, the main controller might be
Gate starts closing,
then stops and re-opens
Check collision sensitivity and other causes with procedure B:
False collision detection
Possible faults