During flight the fuselage will vibrate and depending on the rotor speed, this vibration can be strong enough to
have the some part of the fiberglass contact the mechanics. The common result can range from a mild abrasion to
actual cracking of the fuselage. To eliminate this problem, there are two aluminum strips included with a 3mm
hole pre-drilled in one end. Measuring from the end with the hole, make a mark at 13mm and 63mm where the
strip will be bent to match the photo. Using a set of pliers that have a smooth, straight jaw (or possibly a table vise)
bend the first 13mm mark at 90° degrees downward, bend the second 63mm mark 90° degrees upward. The last
portion of the support should be curved to match the vertical side wall the the fuselage. At a minimum apply vinyl
tape (not included) to the vertical support where it will contact the fuselage, using a thin foam weather-stripping
would be better to dampen all vibration. Attach the support to the forward M3x16 Socket Cap Screw on the lower
side frames. After the mechanics are in the
final position, some slight adjustment is
possible by bending the last segment to fit.
STEP 2 Fuselage Side Supports
STEP 2 Fuselage Side Supports
STEP 2 Fuselage Side Supports
STEP 2 Fuselage Side Supports
STEP 2 Fuselage Side Supports
Final shape of the fuselage supports before
applying tape or weather-stripping. Remem-
ber to thoroughly clean the parts before
applying any adhesive tape.
Fuselage supports
An alternate to using tape is to apply “Goop” or “Zap-a-Dap-a-Doo” type of adhesive to the seams of the
supports, effectively bonding them to the fuselage sides. These types of adhesives can be removed at a
later time by scoring and cutting through the joints. With the mechanics temporarily positioned, mark with
pencil the outline of the support and thoroughly clean the fiberglass surface with rubbing alcohol.
Apply tape, foam
tape or semi-perma-
nently bond in place.
Front M3x16
Socket Cap Screw
Bend at the
dashed lines.
Fuselage supports x 2
Twinstar Detail Manual
Twinstar Detail Manual
Twinstar Detail Manual
Twinstar Detail Manual
Twinstar Detail Manual