MB Pool & spa heater
These instructions are intended for the use of
qualifi ed personnel only, specifi cally trained and
experienced in the installation of this type of heating
equipment and related system components. Instal-
lation and service personnel must be GAS SAFE
registered. Persons not qualifi ed must not attempt
to fi x this equipment nor attempt repairs according
to these instructions.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service
or maintenance may damage the equipment, create
a hazard resulting in asphyxiation, explosion or fi re,
and will void the warranty.
Gas Safety (Installation and Use)
Regulations, 1994
It is the law that all gas appliances are installed by
competent persons in accordance with the above
regulations. Failure to install appliances correctly
could lead to prosecution. It is in your own interest,
and that of safety, to ensure that the law is complied
General Requirements
The appliance must be installed by a competent per-
son ie. GAS SAFE registered in accordance with the
relevant requirements of the Gas Safety Regulations,
current I.E.E. Regulations, Model Water Byelaws,
Local Water Authority Byelaws and any relevant re-
quirements of the local gas supplier, local authority
and the relevant British Standard Codes of practice
and Building Regulations. Manufacturers notes must
not be taken in any way as overriding statutory obliga-
tions. Typical documents include:
Models 055, 105 & 155
- BS. 5440:1 Flues (for gas appliances of rated input not
- BS. 5440:2 Ventilation (for gas appliances of rated input not
- BS. 5449
Forced circulation hot water systems.
- BS. 6798
Installation of gas fi red hot water boilers of
rated input not exceeding 60 KW.
- BS. 6891:
Installation of low pressure pipework.
- Health & Safety Document No. 635.
- The Electricity at Work regulations, 1989.
- CP341; Water Supply.
- British Gas Publications:
IM2; Purging Procedures of Non-domestic Gas Installations
IM5, Soundness Testing Procedures for Industrial and
Commercial Gas Installations.
Sheet Metal
24 Gauge
12" Min.
12" Min.
4" Min.
Hollow concrete cinder block, align holes and
leave ends open. Alternative method for providing
a non-combustible base.
Models 185, 265 & 405
- BS. 6891;
Installation of low pressure pipework.
- BS. 6644;
Installation of Gas Fired Hot Water
Boilers 60kW to 2MW.
- CP 341;
Water Supply.
- British Gas Publications:
Purging Procedures on Non-domestic Gas Installations.
Soundness Testing Procedures for Industrial and
Commercial Gas Installations.
IM11; Flues for Commercial and Industrial Gas Fired Boilers
- Model Water Byelaws.
This appliance must be installed externally in open air
(without a fl ue) or indoors (with a suitable fl ue system)
in a room separated from living rooms and provided
with appropriate ventilation direct to the outside.
The appliance must be used only in accordance with
these instructions. Incorrect use is dangerous and
invalidates all warranties and Certifi cation.
Conversion Instructions.
The heater is supplied in two versions,one for use
with Natural Gas, G20 at 20 mbar inlet pressure, the
other for Propane, G31 at 37 mbar. If it is necessary
to convert the heater for use on the other gas the
appropriate conversion kit must be purchased and
fi tted using the instructions provided.
NOTE: The heater should not be located in an area
where possible water leakage will result in damage
to the area adjacent to the appliance or to the struc-
ture. When such locations cannot be avoided, it is
recommended that a suitable drain pan, adequately
drained, be installed under the appliance. The pan
must not restrict combustion air fl ow.
Heater must be mounted on a level base, such as ce-
ment slab, cement blocks or other non-combustible
surface. An alternative method for providing a base
for combustible fl oors is illustrated below.
Heaters must
be installed on carpeting.