ReCon T Energy Logger
User manual
The setup window also includes 6 different buttons:
1. The
Read Settings
button will re-load the actual settings from the instrument. Please beware that the
changes made to any setup fields will be overwritten.
Erase Recorded Data
button will clean the instrument´s internal memory in order to start a fresh new
recording session.
Set date and time as PC
synchronizes the ReCon T internal clock with the PC´s clock.
Reset energy counter
clears the internal energy registers of the ReCon T. These registers are not
cleared when memory is erased (so the instrument can be used as a long term energy meter appart
from being used for periodic measuring sessions). User must click this button and give confirmation
to the dialog that appears.
Apply and start recording
will program the new settings into the instrument and will start the
recording immediately after.
will close the setup discarding changes.