(TYPE RT-385A)
(720-Channel - Type RT-385A)
The Cessna 300 Nav/ Com (Type RT-385A), shown in figure 1, consists
of a panel-mounted receiver-transmitter and a single or dual-pointer
remote course deviation indicator.
The set includes a 720-channel VHF communications receiver-
transmitter and a 200-channel VHF navigation receiver, both of which may
be operated simultaneously. The communications receiver-transmitter
receives and transmits signals between 118.000 and 135.975 MHz in 25-kHz
steps. The navigation receiver receives omni and localizer signals
between 108.00 and 117.95 MHz in 50-kHz steps. The circuits required to
interpret the omni and localizer signals are located in the course deviation
indicator. Both the communications and navigation operating frequencies
are digitally displayed by incandescent readouts on the front panel of the
Nav/ Com.
A DME receiver-transmitter or a glide slope receiver, or both, may be
interconnected with the Nav/Com set for automatic selection of the
associated DME or glide slope frequency. When a VOR frequency is
selected on the Nav/Com , associated VORTAC or VOR-DME station
frequency will also be selected automatically; likewise, if a localizer
frequency is selected, the associated glide slope will be selected automati-
The course deviation indicator includes either a single-pointer and
related NAV flag for VOR/LOC indication only, or dual pointers and
related NAV and GS flags for both VOR/LOC and glide slope indications.
Both types of course deviation indicators incorporate a back-course lamp
(BC) which lights when optional back course (reversed sense) operation is
selected. Both types may be provided with Automatic Radial Centering
which, depending on how it is selected, will automatically indicate the
bearing TO or FROM the VOR station.
1 July 1979
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