and navigation systems. The navigation sys-
tem includes GPS, ground-based navigation,
and is WAAS-capable. An integrated engine
indicating and crew alerting system (EICAS)
is included. The Garmin G1000 system man-
ages the instrument and engine displays, the
autopilot, flight guidance systems, and the
flight director. Terrain and traffic avoidance
systems and color radar are standard equip-
ment. Data link weather capability is available
with subscription.
The following publications must be immedi-
ately available to the flight crew:
• FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual
(AFM) contains the limitations, data per-
tinent to takeoffs and landings, and
weight and balance data. Information in
the AFM always takes precedence over
any other publication.
• FA A - a p p r o v e d C i t a t i o n M u s t a n g
A b b re v i a t e d C h e c k l i s t — N o r m a l
Procedures contains abbreviated normal
operating procedures and abbreviated
performance data. If any doubt exists or
if the conditions are not covered by the
checklist, the AFM must be consulted.
• FA A - a p p r o v e d C i t a t i o n M u s t a n g
Abbreviated Checklist—Emergency/
Abnormal Procedures contains emer-
gency and abnormal procedures. If any
doubt exists or if the conditions are not
covered by the checklist, the AFM must
be consulted.
• Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide
for the Citation Mustang
Other publications that are not required to be
in the aircraft include:
• Operating Manual
• Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for the
Cessna Citation Mustang
• FA A - a p p r ove d We i g h t a n d B a l a n c e
The following are required when the airplane
is operated with a crew of one pilot, per ap-
plicable operating rules:
1. Operable GFC-700 Autopilot
2. Headset with microphone (must be worn)
3. FA A - a p p r o v e d P i l o t s ’ A b b re v i a t e d
Normal Procedures Checklist (as revised)
4. FA A - a p p r o v e d P i l o t s ’ A b b re v i a t e d
Emergency and Abnormal Procedures
Checklist (as revised)
5. Provisions for storage and retention of
navigation charts, accessible to the pilot
from the pilot station