1. Plug the Light Control receiver into a 120 Volt AC polarized outlet.
NOTE: The plug contacts are designed for polarized outlets only.
2. Plug a light into the polarized receiver outlet.
3. TURN on the light.
4. TO TEST: Press and release the receiver actuator. Light should turn on.
Press the remote control push button. Light should turn off.
NOTE: If two or more light products are installed, receivers must
be located at least 10 feet apart to prevent electronic interference.
If receiver does not activate light, check to be sure:
1. Light is turned on.
2. Light and receiver are firmly plugged in.
3. There is power to outlet (check fuse box or circuit breakers).
If remote control does not activate light, check to be sure:
1. Receiver and
remote have matching code settings.
2. You are pressing the remote control push button selected to
operate the Light Control (with Multi-Function remotes.)
3. Remote control battery has power. NOTE: Test light on the
remote should glow when the push button is pressed. (Battery
changing information is included in instructions packed with
your transmitter.)
Model 772CB
Wire-in Light Control Controls interior or
exterior lights. wires into electrical socket
like a dimmer switch.
Model 753CB
Multi-Function Remote Control Controls
garage door openers and Light Control
Model 771CB
Screw-In Light Control Controls interior or
exterior lights Screws
into light socket.