6 | P a g e
QAM = QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation with 64-point signal. Depending on the quality of the
incoming signal, 64 is recommended unless all tv’s are new. With poor delivery systems from some cable
operators, 256 will be pixelated. 64 is recommended for overall compatibility.
3-2-6. RF Setup
Channel Mode
Frequency Mode
CW Signal: this will always remain in “Disable”. This option is only for testing purposes at the factory. The
modulator can’t work if enable this function.
4.1.1. Channel *
4.1.2. Frequency
4.1. RF Mode
Channel No
4.2. Chan Number
RF Frequency KHz
4.2. RF Freq KHz
4.3.1. NTSC-AIR
4.3.2. NTSC-CATV *
4.3. Freq Plan
4.4.1. Disable *
4.4.2. Enable
4.4. CW Signal
Attenuation dB
4.5. RF Attenuate