10 | P a g e
Major / Minor ch : Virtual channel setting will give you the digital tv channel.
Major=5 Minor=2 Digital channel will show up as 5-2 (both must be different)
Bitrate is adjustable in steps from 8-19 Mbps for
, 5-10 for
HD, 2-4. Default and recommended rate
will be 19000 Kbps
3-3-2. QAM
- Constellation setup
An example of the ATSC major and minor numbers used for a station in the United States or Canada would
be to typically have its main programming airing on say channel 8 (the "major channel") with analog on 8.0 and
digital on 8.1 (the first two "minor channels") with other entertainment channels being below 8.99 on channels
8.2, 8.3, and up and any additional informational data channels ranging from 8.100 to 8.999. The channels can
also be displayed using a hyphen (such as 8-1) or a space; however, on a common
seven segment display.