The SIEMENS model QAC34 outdoor temperature sensor (optional accessory) must be connected
to terminals 7-8 of terminal board M2 in figure 9.
The procedures for setting the gradient of the temperature curve “kt” vary depending on the acces-
sories connected to the boiler.
a) Without QAA73 room temperature control device:
The temperature curve “kt” must be selected by setting parameter H532 as described in section 15
“setting the boiler parameters”.
See graph 2 for selecting the curve referred to a room temperature of 20°C.
The chosen curve can be shifted by pressing the
button (2) on the boiler control panel, and
modifying the value displayed by pressing the
. keys. See graph 3 for curve selection.
(The example show in graph 3 refers to the curve Kt=15).
Increase the value displayed if the room temperature required is not reached inside the premises for
central heating.
b) with QAA73 room temperature control device:
The temperature curve “kt” must be selected by setting parameter 70 “HC1 gradient” of the QAA73
room temperature control device as described in section 13.3 “QAA73: parameters which can be set
by the installation engineer (service)”.
See graph 4 for selecting the curve referred to a room temperature of 20°C.
The curve is shifted automatically on the basis of the room temperature set using the QAA73 climate
If the system is divided into zones, the temperature curve “kt” relating to the part of the system not
controlled by the QAA73 must be selected by setting parameter H532 as described in section 15
“setting the boiler parameters”.
For systems divided into zones, parameter 80 “HC2 gradient”, which can be set on
the QAA73 room temperature regulator, must be set as _ _ . _ “
not active
(see section 13.3).
Graph 2
Graph 3
TM = Flow temperature
Te = Composite outside temperature
Sth = Kt Curve
Graph 4
TM = Flow temperature
Te = Composite outside temperature
13.4 Connecting the
temperature sensor