rev. 1
The driving controller consists of a joystick and control panel. Under the driving controller you'll find
the charger socket and the data transfer cable, which is connected to the control unit.
The speed and direction of the wheelchair is adjusted by the joystick. The further you push the stick
from the central position, the greater the drive speed. Releasing the joystick stops the wheelchair
and applies the parking brakes. The joystick is also used for adjusting extra operations.
Joystick with a standard knob is suitable for most users. There are different alternatives to this knob
or the knob can be tailor-made. Do not replace the knob with self-made parts, as they may cause
dangerous situations.
Control panel
The control panel contains push buttons and an LCD display.
Operation of the push buttons is defined later in this chapter. When
the driving controller unit is switched on, the LCD display is
illuminated in the background and an icon of the currently used
function is displayed. The symbols displayed are defined later in
this chapter.