In order to adjust the armrest's side distance, screw 1 needs to be loosened and armrest has to be
moved to the side. Once the desired position has been achieved, the screw needs to be tightened
up. The maximum possible armrest's side distance is 60 mm (drawing below). In order to adjust the
armrest's bottom angle, screw 2 needs to be loosened. Once the desired position has been achieved,
the screws need to be tightened up.
The height and the angle of the armrest are adjusted with a 5 mm hex key (Allen key). In order to
adjust the height, screw (A) is loosened and moved either upwards or downwards. Once the height
is suitable, the screw is tightened up.
In order to adjust the angle of the armrest, the support needs to be moved into a vertical position.
For angle adjustment, screw (B) is turned until the desired position has been achieved.