Security Appliance Policy Management
Check Point Maestro R80.20SP Administration Guide | 51
Understanding the Configuration File List
file contains pointers to the related configuration files on the Security
Appliance. Each record defines the path to a configuration file, followed by the action to take if the imported
file is different from the local file. This table shows an example of the record structure.
File name and path
The context field defines the type of configuration file:
- Security Gateway configuration file
- Virtual Systems configuration file
The action field defines the action to take when the imported (copied) file is different than the local file:
- Reboot is required
- No reboot is required
String enclosed in double quotes - Name of a "callback script" that selects the applicable action.
Example - Configuration file list:
[Expert@MyChassis-ch01-01:0]# cat /etc/xfer_file_list
#The Columns are:
#1) global_context or all_vs_context - VSX support.
# It separates the files relevant to all VSs (all_vs_context) from those which are only relevant for VS0 (global_context)
# In a security gateway mode, there is no difference between the two values
#2) File location in the SMO - where to pull the files from
#3) Action to perform after the file is copied, if it's different.
# The result of the operation determines if a reboot is needed after the operation - 1 for reboot, 0 for no reboot
# Please Notice - /bin/false => reboot, /bin/true => don't reboot
#4) [Optional] A local path to copy the file to, needed if different from the source
global_context /opt/CPda/bin/policy.xml /bin/true
global_context /etc/upgrade_pkg-0.1-cp989000001.i386.rpm "rpm -U --force --nodeps /etc/upgrade_pkg-0.1-cp989000001.i386.rpm"
global_context /etc/sysconfig/image.md5 "/usr/lib/smo/libclone.tcl --clone --rsip --xfer --reboot"
global_context $PPKDIR/boot/modules/sim_aff.conf "sim affinityload"
global_context $PPKDIR/boot/modules/simkern.conf /bin/false
global_context $FWDIR/boot/boot.conf /bin/false
global_context $FWDIR/modules/fwkern.conf /bin/false
all_vs_context $FWDIR/conf/fwauthd.conf /bin/false
all_vs_context $FWDIR/conf/discntd.if /bin/false
#global_context /var/opt/fw.boot/ha_boot.conf /bin/false
global_context /config/active /usr/bin/confd_clone /config/db/cloned_db
global_context /tmp/sms_rate_limit.tmp /bin/true
global_context /tmp/sms_history.tmp /bin/true
global_context /home/admin/.ssh/known_hosts /bin/true
global_context /etc/passwd /bin/true
global_context /etc/shadow /bin/true
... output is cut for brevity ...
global_context /etc/smodb.json "/usr/lib/smo/libclone_smodb.tcl clone_smodb_apply" /tmp/smo_smodb.json
global_context $FWDIR/conf/prioq.conf /bin/false
global_context /web/templates/httpd-ssl.conf.templ /usr/scripts/
all_vs_context $FWDIR/conf/fwaccel_dos_rate_on_install /bin/false
all_vs_context $FWDIR/conf/fwaccel6_dos_rate_on_install /bin/false
global_context $FWDIR/database/sam_policy.db $SMODIR/scripts/compare_samp_db.tcl /tmp/
global_context $FWDIR/database/sam_policy.mng /bin/false
all_vs_context $FWDIR/conf/icap_client_blade_configuration.C /bin/true
global_context $CPDIR/conf/chassis_priority_db.C /bin/true