I. O. & M
c. Press the radial bearing on t he motor end of the shaft (end wit h
d. Press the duplex bearing on the mill end of the shaft (end with
e. Thread the sm all locknut on t he motor end of t he shaft unti l it
bottoms out.
f. Fill the area between the two bearing assemblies with grease.
Dow Corning 44 Medium Consistency is factory standard.
g. Slide the shaft-bearing asse mbly into the bearing housi
(Threads on bearing housing OD should be at m
otor end of
shaft when assembled.)
h. Replace the retaining ring, i nsuring that the retaining ring is
well seated in the groove provided.
i. Replace the slinger on threaded end of shaft with flat side ou t
and it sits against the bearing housing.
j. Thread the large locknut ont o the m ill end of shaft until it
bottoms out.
Once secure, the assembly is now a single component.
2. Replace the Gap Setting Adjustment Nut
a. Adjustment Nut is the large br onze gear with a threaded ID and
the red, numbered indicator wheel on one surface.
b. Thread the adjustment nut onto the sha ft assembly so that the
teeth of the gear are toward the m otor end of the m ill and the
numbered wheel faces the shaft end with threads.
Do NOT bottom out the adjustme nt nut. Leave approxim ately
¼” of the thread exposed.
3. Install Shaft Assembly in Housing
a. Grease exposed surfaces of the bearing housing