SNA8110T Gepon OLT User Manual
9.1.5 Provisioning links in a Cross Connect
Cross Connects are used to create a private link between two ONUs on the same PON. For instance, a link Cross Connect might be used
to facilitate data communication between two offices within the same organization. Both links must be provisioned in the Link Cross
Connect mode before a Link Cross Connect can be established. Once both links have been provisioned in Cross Connect mode, use the
Connect button to bridge the links.
Once cross-connected the control will gray out indicating that the action was completed successfully.
Only a single Cross-Connect may be established with any given link.
9.1.6 Provisioning Priority VLANs
Priority VLANs use the ToS or CoS field to make bridging decisions. The decision of which field should be used is based on a per link
attribute, however, in the TK3721 this is a global setting. Once one link has been provisioned in a priority VLAN, all links MUST provision
the ToS/CoS select the same way. It should be noted that if L3 switching is used only ToS may be used for the priority field.
。 VID Field
This field allows the user to select the VID. The VID will be inserted into upstream frames arriving on links provisioned in the VLAN.
Downstream the VID will be used for classification. Upstream CoS
The upstream CoS is the CoS value that will be inserted into upstream frames, forwarded on the VLAN. It is VERY important to notice
that a unique upstream CoS and VID combination defines a unique VLAN. For every link provisioned in a unique VLAN, EVERY attribute
in the VLAN record other than the link label, MUST be identical. Identical, means that for link A and link B provisioned in VLAN C a
bitwise comparison of the two records used for provisioning would show equality. If this is not the case the TK3721 will not function
correctly, and NVS erase followed by system reset may be required to restore proper functionality. Max/Min Range
Allows the user to provision an INCLUSIVE range of priority values used for downstream classification. Packets with matching VID and a
CoS/ToS value in the range specified will be classified onto the VLAN. It is VERY important that for every VID, there exists VLANs {V
, …,V
} such that together they specify a complete range [0 7] with no holes. Also note that for any two unique VLANs with VID=A, it is
illegal that the two VLANs Max/Min contain ANY overlapping regions (e.g. [0, 4] and [4, 7] would be illegal).
9.2 Provisioning Filtering Rules