SNA8110T Gepon OLT User Manual
Step 5.
Repeat steps 1-4 until the desired rule has been created. The TK3711 supports a maximum of 2
clauses / rule. The TK3701 supports a maximum of 8 clauses / rule.
The right arrow button is useful for correcting mistakes. Using this button we can remove a
selected clause that is incorrect.
11.3.2 Using the Rule Gri
The Rule Grid is used to view the classification scheme and delete unwanted Classification Rules. The Rule Grid displays the rules for the
port that is currently selected. Selecting a different port will reveal the rules associated with that port. Adding a Rule to the Classification Scheme
Step 1.
Set the rule precedence level. The Rule Level may be configured for 1 of 8 different precedence levels, 0 being the highest
priority and 7 being the lowest. The ONU firmware installs system rules at precedence levels 0..3 and 7. It is recommended that
user provisioned classification rules be provisioned in the range that the ONU does not use. If two rules (classifying traffic into
different FIFOs) match the same frame, the provisioned Rule Level will determine where the frame is classified. A classification
rule with higher precedence than a filtering rule can be used to override a filtering function.
Step 2.
Select the FIFO for classification. First select the ingress port (the port the classified frame arrives at), next select the
egress FIFO (the FIFO that the frame will be classified into). Notice that selecting an ingress port automatically selects the set of
available egress FIFOs. Black lines drawn from the FIFO to the ONU port indicate which port the forwarded frames will be sent to.
Arrowhead serve to indicate the direction the data will be transported (in the figure below the direction is upstream).
downstream classification rules
include a clause to indicate the link on which the forwarded frames arrive. The
consequences of not inserting this clause are unknown, but random device failure is a possibility! The
supported operator
for this rule is: “==.” The Link Index is the same as N, where Base MAC + N = Link MAC.
Selecting an ingress port automatically selects the set of available egress FIFOs. Black lines drawn from the FIFO to the ONU port
indicate which port the forwarded frames will be sent to. Arrowhead serve to indicate the direction the data will be transported.
If two Classification Rules or a Classification Rule and a Filtering Rule (next section) match the same frame, the action associated