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Summary of Contents for CVFD-M330

Page 1: ...Android IJser s Manual i h E ...

Page 2: ...1 3 Chilsins 1 4 Sffiing up the devico 1 5 Shtus lcons ...

Page 3: ...reach of smll children cetuin removable pMs may be accidentally ingesred Electrical safety OnIy use the chtrgeN list d in the manufactuer s cahlogue Using ay other charger my be trgerous it would also invalidate yow wmry Line voltage must be exactly the one indicated on fre cheger s serial plate Aircrnft safety Whcn baveling by plme you frll need to switch you phone offwhen so inshcted by the cabi...

Page 4: ...t use a body wom ece ory md re mt holditrg th phorc at the eil position the phone a minimM of 2 5 m ftom you bodx Da opsation when using a dab fffitue position the phone a mhimm oi2 5 cm ftom you body for the whole duation ofthe dah tilsqission Environment Packrging To facilitaie the recycliDg of packaging m6ials ptease ob y the soting ruls iNtituted locally for this type ofwaste Bafred6 Spent bar...

Page 5: ... emily push the bafiery into place 3 Replace tle back cover To remove the battery l Make sue you device is tumed off 2 Remove the back cover 3 The botom of the phone h6 a notch Lifl the batery by 6e notch ro To instail r memory card To have additional stomge for you imgei videos music ed fi1es you cm pwhase a memory ced md irobll it iDto your device l Make sue that you device is Med off md thm rem...

Page 6: POWER You cm inmase the setui1y of you phone by sefting 4 sareen uilock pa m Once sel itr orftr lo ulock yow screeo you ll bave lo dra lhe cored uDlock panem You cm set you screeD urilock panem as tolloss l On rhe liome smeo toucb p od select Senings 2 Set ct Iication secuity ad xhen scroll dom b the Screen ulock parem sectio 3 Set or chege you ulock pafiem by slecting either Set mlock pafim...

Page 7: ...ode fhe objccr ril magriD when ir read ro bc Vithout lifting you finger or you tt op out of mov mode dms rhc object lo the new psilion To move e item to a section oflhe Home screcn not iD vieq move i1 to the edge ofrhe screen md hold it there for a momenr The s reen viewwill shift position the objecrmdrlease 1 5 Stahs Icotrs Conn fion statos icotrs Along the top of you phone screen is the status b...

Page 8: ...disable Aiplme mode the phone tunction is tumed bek on and the previous state ofBluetooth and wi Fi ae restored Adjustitrg th volume Prcss Volume butbn on the side of the phone to show the volme s en Ifthe phone is h vibratine mode the voice will be muted automti lly md tlrc device will vibrate when thers is atr incoming call 2 2 MaHng a call On Hore screen touch B Phone to enter the dial screen T...

Page 9: ...mming call you have a few hq the incming call ad plme ihe ll in progess on hold To switch cdls d ey time touch More buton 10 select Swap calls t4 f you don i wmt to intempt your mI in posesq then slide END leftEtrd Ifyou have one call in prcgns md me caller on hold to end both calls touch Morc bufton ro elec Eod all 6 Wlile on a mll yoq can conference up to six callere couting yomcli Note that you...

Page 10: ...s for sMl or SM2 you cMot sesings ee fdched which can bke a few mommts Fixed Dialing Nmbers This featu allows you to resbict outgoing cals to a fred set of Dubem To enable this feature you mBt know th SM PN2 code for you phone You cm get this nmbd ftom your wireless operator dsming this featue is supFfr d Voicmil swicer Selst b set a voicemil nmbff that isn t being read from the S ctrd Call foiltr...

Page 11: ...don r ktrow yow SIM PIN you can obhin h Iiom ou wircte s operaroi vsrble p6suord5 Sclecr b have you password disptay as you rSe ir 18 Applications uninom somes Selet lhis ch k box ifyou wmt the ability to download eplicatio fim the Web with this check box trot selde4 you will only be able to dowrload applicatioN from kdroid Market To ensre vow personal dab md phone r min setre it is recomended you...

Page 12: ...e Web applications This mees frat wha you add chmgq or deleE you infomtion in any ofthese applicatiotr on t te Web the updated infomtiotr also appees on you phone md vice veNa AIso if you lose yow phone or if yow phone is deshoyed you pmoml infomtion is not Iost ed will appetr as before on a replrcment phone This minoring ol infomtion happens tuough ovtr the air dab synckodz tio or dab sFcing Dab ...

Page 13: ...uelooth sffings screen b remaitr discovemble 4 S loct Discovenble again duing th 120 seconds or leave the Bluetooth sefiings smen b make you pbone udiscovmble Nme your Bluelooth defrce 1 Make sure you have m d BlEbolh on 2 Select Setrings Wireless nerork9 Bluetooth sefrings Devi 3 TFe the nme for you device in the dialog box ed thetr select OK 4 Your ncw device nme appetrs on the Blueboth setings ...

Page 14: ...cotrhcl Touch bold rhe conBcl s sme lo opeo rhe nkxt menu Frcm the menu you m seled to view the Contutdebfu scrm call the conturt nmber send a text message add or rcmove a sh edil lhe conkt deBils or delele the ohcl 2 Go to Conhct detals Selst the conhd s naqe b open the Conbct aleails scrq where all scrm the infomtion you ve saved for this mhct is displaied 1 On the Home screen then touch E md se...

Page 15: ... Send 4 Send email to a conhct To smd m emdiLmessage b a conac you muS have an email address stored for rhm in their coD r dehils Selcct the conact you want to emil Their Conbct details screa opens 26 h the Smd emait section seleci the email address lf you de fetchhg POP3 or IMAP email accomts to your phon then select the ecomt you wish to use b send A Compow screen opens for you new messago Compl...

Page 16: ...ecbble To vi w the Web page in the Browsel simply seleciit 28 4 Delete messages Yow messages will be saved util you explicitly deteE Delete one message in a thread With the message thrad opm in Read vievl touch hold the individual messge you wmt to dclote o open the context menu Delete all messages in a thread Wim the message thread open in Read view press MENU Delete lhreds You catr also delete m...

Page 17: ...pods on you 64 but it is usually eoud 25 50 To view messages on you SIM ced delde th q md copy them to you phone memory slect this seting 30 3 Multurda mebsage setings Delivery rQotu To receive a repofr on the delinery shtN ofyour message select this check box Read r potu To receive a rcpoft on whethq eeh recipient h6 r ad or deleted the message without readhg it select this check box Aub etrievo ...

Page 18: BACK wifl also save as draft unless you have not g ed m hing 5 Delde message From the Inbox 1 Expmd the lnbox to display the messages 2 Touch 32 hold the message you want to delete 3 Select Delee 4 Yom message is moved to the Trsh 6 Empty Trash Once you ve moved a message to ihe T sh to mpry messages in the Tmsh you m6t dele erch mesMge individulf ftess MENU md seled Iolders b en r the Ttrh No...

Page 19: ... 6nt i v n i r after powering on vou home page qill display 34 Ym ce chmge you home page by pressing MENU md set cting More Setrbgs Set home page Zoom rd uavigdion in Web pages wlile viewing a W b page you cm Fess MEM ed setecr M Se irys Default zoom to set 6e zoom contoh Slide you Engenip ir ay direc oo ro shjff youpage view Th Brcwre scrcetr Fmm th Brcwse smen you cm do the folowing I Go b a Web...

Page 20: ...rd spPlic tioB r dles or apprications using the Brow note fre following 36 1 Before you_cil dolaiload Web applications you musr explicidy altow dosrloadiDg om Sc Home Se ngs strcen On tlE Hone scree then pres ana select Serings Selecl Applications ten on fie Applietion serings screetr select Unloom suces checkbox 2 All itms dorrloaded fom the Web m stored on your memory cad so be su you hare a ctr...

Page 21: ...ilh cmail each message you smd ii souped wirh aI rhe resDonses o recervc This conveEation I iew conrrnucs ro goulm neu rrylie m ve so you cil always see your messages in context Convemations are also refered lo_as 1n sage tbredJ or simpty Ureads A new mesage or a chmge to rhe subjecr ofa cfficnt message will begin a new con euati n Iobox cotrve6arion Iisr All dre Gmajl ar you fercb ro you pbone rs...

Page 22: ... the ringlon menu select a ritrgton that will play for new email Dotificalions Nole thar when you select a ringene it plavs brieflv If you don t wmt a ringtone to play when you receive a new message select silent The ringtone lwked Default ringrone is defined in the Home Setirys Somd display Nofification dngtoEe menu 4 Ilyou wmt your phone to vibrae when you receive a new message select Vibrate ch...

Page 23: ...ry Select map mode 44 Whmever you ffi viewing a map you cil switch your vi w press MENU ed select Layer to select from Satellile Tnffic Tmin or Latitude view Satellite view Satelite images are nor real time coogte Maps acquire the best irogry available most of which is approximarely one to rtuee years otd Tramc view lf available in ou trer real lime Eafljc condilioDs are drqpla ed over he hishway ...

Page 24: ...iDg you have Mite privileges on m event torch and hold the evetrt to open the conrcxt menu then select Edit event 46 Navigate within the cMent we k Slide you fingenip up down Narigdre to a pasr or lirue wc Slide our fingenrp teft dghr Junp to cuuent day Press MENU md select Today The cunenr time is highlighled 4 Day view Days are divided in o hour time slors Events tre shom tiled md spa thc time t...

Page 25: ...sting r minde s_ you can have up b fi e rminders per cvcnl Delete reminder Either select fte x ro the dghr of a rednder or prcss MENU md select Delete event to remove ihe evcnt ftom you calende I this is a rcp ating event you will be asked ifyou want to detcte just this one instance his tutue events or all events Edit even Press MENU md seiect Edit event to open rhe evenl for editing Ifthis is a r...

Page 26: if you wmt all the evenh you decline b be hidden ftom a calendfl views I I 2 Reminder settugs Sel alens Dotiiimdotr Seld lo sel lie type ofevenl remioder you wut Alefr A dialog box wil appear to remind you of ihe event Statu btr no ification An icon apptrs on the left side ofthe status btr Off You will eive no remindei Select ring tone Selett Ring bne b opm the ring tone menu md select a dng b...

Page 27: ...n Vi w your pictur s To view the pictues you ve captued as well as my you ve stored on your memory cad go to the Gallery appli ationl l To open Picues on he Home screm touch md selot Gallery 2 Dqending on how mey pictues you ve sbre4 they my bke a few minutes to load 3 If you ve stored yor pictues in foldere on you Mmory cild then t Ie folders jll displa as septrare albms The lop leR albm Jwdy con...

Page 28: ...eized into fou categories kists Album Songs md Plalists Select a category to view the lish within each Once in a categdry kcep selecting until you reach the music you wmt ro play For exmple ifyou selecr rhe Adsts category you will see a list ofdists iD A Z ordel Ifyou select an dist the list opens b display rlBt dist s atbms Select m albm and the album song list displays Load music onto your M mor...

Page 29: ...en the context henu 3 Select Add to playlist 4 In the Add b playlist menu lhat opens select N w to ffeate a new playlist or one of the existitrg plarists 56 5 fre rong s de added Mrnage your playlsts co to the Libmry screen and select Playlists A1l you playlists appee Touch hold the playlist to opm th context mmu You ce do the followhg from this sden Play Edi remge songs Delete md Renme Creste rin...

Page 30: ... applicarions or to email the developtr Press MENU and select Secuiry Oemissions ro view the f ctions md dah fris ilem can rccess on your phone 4 To itrbll lhe item select either hstall item is ftee or Buy whichever app trs ImNtantl lf m application you are domloading requies either access to my ofyour daa or contol of ey tunctions on yow phone before you pmcee4 you il see a soeen tha tells you wl...

Page 31: ... ou have a concem aboul tr irm you m flag ir for furlller irvcsligariotr You cm tunher lrrmge your tudmid N4trker appticarrom fiom rhe Home _ enrngs Applicarions Mmge amt calrons s rcm Review ou doMtoadd ilem Rale doMloaded ilem If you d like b mte otre of the items you ve dosoloaded ftom An oid Mrket follow these sbps 1 From the Aadroid Mtrkd Home smen pless MENU md seled Downloads 2 Seleq the it...

Page 32: minures Vibratei Seleff this chtrk box to have you phone vibmE when it goes ofi Repeal The crent rcpeat selection is shom To chmge the seaing select Repeat md mate a seleclion liom the menu To have you dm will only go offonce at the set time don t select my offre_options A one time alam is 62 shom m the A1m Clock scrq without my days mder the set time Deleb alm To deleb ihe ahq press W md selet...

Page 33: ...lication ed division Use the Adveccd pmel to i efr edvsced op toN or delimim such as sine c6ine hgat sqre t I affithses eb Swieh back md foflh b tu n calculabr pmels by pGsing ME I J md slediry Adroced panel d Bdic pmel d you wish As smn d you slet m advmced o EB the peel switchd back b BBic ph you op to app es Wia you touch a key on the s lhe key flashs red to let you know the sldi wd made Male s...
