AV3 - User Manual rev.1.2 - EN.docx
In this case the height
adjustment isn’t performed
very often, so can be
executed when the device
is adjusted for the first time
and when little adaptations
are necessary.
Pull the height adjustment
lever to unlock the gas
spring and change height
of structure with little force
upward or downward.
Height adjustment by
electric motor
A V 3 _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _
In this case the device is
more versatile and the
height adjustment can be
performed more often
effortlessly with the use of
the hand control.
Push the
button on
the hand switch to increase
the structure height or
Push the
button on the
hand switch to decrease
the structure height.
When the structure height Is
fully decreased, in case the
device has independent
mobility motors, the moving
wheels are lifted and there
are little wheels useful for
move the device around
(without people on it).
Transfer to the device and Verticalization
The device can be approached directly with a wheelchair or it can be moved from
other people near the patient seat (see “moving the device” section). Once the
device height has been adjusted, when the patient is in front of the device ready
for transfer, there are several options.