* Non-reflectable subjects (smoke, fog, etc.) Just as beam of light from a flash light will
pass through these subjects, so will the infrared beam of your 50mm AF lens.
Should you have to take pictures under the above conditions, you may focus the camera
manually or estimate the camera-to-subject distance.
If you should desire to have your subject "off center" in the picture, first center the
subject and focus as previously described, then, remove your finger from the auto-focus
button. The focus will automatically lock. Next, recompose your picture with the subject
in the desired position in the viewfinder and depress the shutter release button (fig.9).
When using infrared film, an extra focusing adjustment must be made manually. After
focusing, note the figure that is adjacent to the green indication line on the distance scale
(fig 10 ) then' move that figure over to the red infrared mark engraved on the lens. This
adjustment is only required for black and white infrared film. When using color infrared
film, focus in the normal way.