BEST Gateway
User Manual
3381 Cambie Street, #211
© 2018 Chipkin Automation Systems
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5Z 4R3
All rights reserved
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Add 3
Party BACnet Power Meter
Next, add the BACnet Power Meter device information. Before doing this, please contact BEST with a
list of the BACnet Device Instances that these power meters have, and BEST will provide UIDs to
assign to each one of them.
To add a power meter, first click on the ‘Insert’ link as shown in the image below:
Figure 4.2-3 - Add 3rd Party BACnet Power Meter Link
You will see this form:
Figure 4.2-4 - Add 3rd Party BACnet Power Meter Form
Fill out the fields as follows:
Assigned UID
The UID provided by BEST to represent this BACnet Power Meter.
IP Address
The IP Address of the BACnet Power Meter.
The BACnet Port of the BACnet Power Meter. Default: 47808
BACnet Device Instance
The Device Instance of the BACnet Power Meter
BACnet Network
The BACnet network that this device is on. Default: 0 (Local Network).
BACnet Device SADR
The Source Address of the device. Only provide this if the network is
not zero.
Once the fields are filled out, click the ‘insert’ button. You will see the entry in the table if successful,
otherwise, any errors will be displayed at the top of the page.