Modbus® RTU Data Client
User Manual
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Figure 4.3-14 - Data Logging Task Form
Fill out the form for the specific type of log. The fields are as follows:
The name of the logging task.
Log Format
Currently there is only one format, singleRow
Log Filename
The prefix for all the log files.
Log Type
The type of log to take, currently only the interval log is available. Interval logs are
logs where each entry is entered each time interval. For example, if Scan is set to 30, there will
be an entry every 30 seconds.
Max Age
always set to 0.
Archive Format
this is how the data is separated into different files. If set to Hourly, there will
be one file generated for each hour. Example: Log_2017111001.csv, Log_2017111002.csv, etc.
The file timestamp is YYYYMMDDHH. For Daily, files are generated YYYYMMDD. For
Monthly, YYYYMM, and finally for yearly, YYYY.
Data Table
always set to da_data_logging
Data Offset
always set to 1.
Data Length
the number of data points to log.
how often in seconds to log the data.
Click the “insert” l
ink to add the logging task. If successful, you will see the following result table: