Kinetec Kinevia™ / Kinetec Kinevia Duo™
Before each training session:
◦ Check that the device is not damaged.
◦ Please make sure that the power supply block and the electric cables are in good condition. Only use the original
power cord delivered with the device.
◦ Check that the power outlet is in good condition and is suitable to connect the device power cord plug.
◦ Check that the cords are always free around the device to avoid damaging them.
◦ Always make sure it is not possible for the arms to become caught up in moving parts such as leg fixings, arm
handles or protective plates during use.
◦ Make sure that the foot pedals (5) and the arm trainer grips (9) rotate freely during training.
◦ Make sure that the indexing button (3) for height adjustments is firmly anchored in one of the holes and tightened.
◦ Make sure that the two indexing buttons (14) used to adjust pedal distances are firmly anchored in one of the holes
and tightened.
◦ The doctor or therapist defines the training protocol and duration and makes sure it is properly carried out (settings,
session duration and frequency of use).
◦ Always check the displayed movement parameters before starting the device.
◦ Make sure that the posture, the device height setting, the pedalling radius, the distance to the pedals and all training
parameters are set to match your physical capacities.
◦ Make sure that the legs or arms are properly fixed before starting the therapy.
During the training session:
◦ Do not touch the static or moving parts of the device when it is in use. There is a risk of pinching or crushing by the
arm trainer grips or foot pedals.
◦ Keep children and pets away from the device. There is a risk of pinching or crushing by the arm trainer grips or foot
◦ Children under the age of 15 should only train using the Kinevia under permanent supervision.
◦ Only use the leg trainer wearing suitable footwear and check that shoe laces will not get caught up in moving parts.
Risk of injury by laces being caught up.
◦ Only use the leg trainer with both foot fixings attached and tightened.
◦ Always make sure the arms are securely attached to the arm attachments and that there is a good grip on the
handles when using the arm trainer.
◦ The device must only be used on healthy and unbroken skin.
◦ When using the arm trainer, your feet must not be attached to the foot pedals (5).
◦ Make sure there is a correct distance between your seated position and the device position. Avoid stretching your
articulations too much (see section 7.1 on page 19)
◦ We recommend starting training slowly and avoiding overloads.
◦ Not smoking is recommended during training.