Kinetec Kinevia™ / Kinetec Kinevia Duo™
The use of Kinevia is indicated in cases of:
◦ Paralysis or neuromuscular pathologies with reduced arm / leg mobility, for example following paraplegic lesions,
multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson's disease, brain damage or neuromuscular pathologies with
comparable symptoms.
◦ Cardiac / circulatory problems
◦ Metabolic pathologies
◦ Rheumatoid pathologies
◦ Vascularization problems
◦ Lack of movement
Motor-assisted rehabilitation therapy is a form of treatment with support. However, there are situations in which it
should not be used.
These contraindications cover:
◦ Significant pain experienced during movements
◦ Diseases or injuries for which movement is not recommended, such as recent fractures for example
◦ Significant nerve compression (excess pressure damage)
◦ Fever generating infections
◦ Brittle bones
◦ Unstable circulation
Side effects
The therapy should be discussed with the attending physician, the therapist or the kinesitherapist concerning its extent
and duration in order to avoid excess activity and side effects.
Risks may appear if patients are pushed beyond their personal limits or capacity.
In rare cases, certain adverse effects can appear, such as:
◦ Muscular or articular pain,
◦ A significant reduction in muscle tone,
◦ Skin injuries.
Intended user profile
The user can be:
◦ A patient,
◦ A health and rehabilitation professional,
◦ A cleaning agent,
◦ A maintenance, servicing or repair agent,
◦ A carrier,
◦ A recycling officer.
The user must have the following knowledge and skills:
◦ Know how to read and understand “westernized Arabic” numerals and at least 5 years of reading experience.
◦ Know how to distinguish arms, legs and feet.
◦ Understand the hygienic aspect.
◦ Have a visual acuity ≥ 8/10th, with or without correction.
◦ Have a tactile sensitivity in order to use the touch panel.
◦ Have sufficient grip capability to hold the arm trainer handles.