No.28, Renai Rd., Chiayi, 600, Taiwan Tel
(886) 5-2835460 Fax
(886) 5-2835458
BF-480M User’s Guide
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Source IP Address:
the current BF-2300’s IP address (Read Only).
Destination IP Address:
the IP Address of destination device you want to ping.
Packet Number:
the packet numbers you wish to use to ping the destination device. The maximum numbers are
Packet Size:
the numbers of packet size you wish to use to ping the destination device. The maximum packet
sizes are
Ping Result:
The result will show the numbers of sending packet, numbers of packet receiving (Read Only).
5. Troubleshooting
None of the LEDs
turn on when you
turn on the
Make sure that you have correct power connected to BF-2300 and
plugged in to an appropriate power source. Check all cables connections.
If the LEDs still do not turn on, you may have a hardware problem. In this
case, you should contact your local vendor.
Can not access
BF-2300 from
Check cable connection between BF-2300 and computer or hub. Ping
BF-2300 from computer. Make sure your computer Ethernet card is
installed and functioning properly.
Can not ping any
computer on the
If the 10/100M LED are off, check the cable connection between BF-2300
and your computer.
Verify that the IP address and subnet mask of the B-480 and computer are
in the same IP address range.
Can not access
BF-2300 from
Check the Serial cable connection between BF-2300 and your device.
Verify that the BF-2300 setting of Serial type is same as your device and
make sure the hardware jumper is in the correction position.