Programmable DC Power Supply (with Solar Array Simulation) 62000H Series
Operating & Programming Manual
To set the current (CC MODE):
Press “
” and the rest of the settings are the same as for voltage as Figure 3-2 shows.
(Please note that in order to remain in CC mode the voltage setting must be larger than the
load voltage, otherwise the output current will not be equal to the set current.)
V = 0. 0 0 V I = 0. 0 0 _ A O F F
0 . 0 0 0 0 V 0 . 0 0 0 0 A
0 . 0 W
Figure 3-2
Setting Configuration
The configuration setting function allows users to set the system functions for the DC Power
Supply. The system functions that can be edited by the configuration are:
1. System Setup
: To set various system parameters including GPIB address.
2. Output Setup
: To set various output parameters including voltage/current slew rate
3. Series/Parallel : To set the parameters for series or parallel mode.
4. Display
: To set the parameter arrangement on panel.
5. Protection
: To set the parameters for each protection function.
6. Factory Setting : To set the production information and settings.
7. Calibration
: To calibrate the DC Power Supply.
8. Remote Setting : To set the system parameters for GPIB address etc.
9. Output Mode
: To select CV/CC mode or the output mode with IV function.
To set the configuration:
Press “
” to enter into the config setting screen as Figure 3-3 shows.
C H O I C E = S Y S T E M S E T U P [ C O N F I G ]
1. S Y S T E M S E T U P 5. P R O T E C T I O N
2. O U T P U T S E T U P 6. F A C T O R Y S E T T I N G
3. S E R I E S / P A R A L L E L 7. C A L I B R A T I O N
4. D I S P L A Y 8. R E M O T E S E T U P
9. O U T P U T M O D E
Figure 3-3