background image

EN - 7


Damper rotation control

The damper has a 90° rotation angle.

Manual control :

standard mounting

This manual control is fitted on the left (standard mounting).

It can be dismounted and fitted on the right (fixation with 
3 sheet metal screws).

Motorisable control :

delivered with the box mounting kit

After dismounting the standard manual control (fixed by 3
sheet metal screws), put in place the motorisable control
delivered in the plastic bag.

The fixation of this control is made by tightening onto the
dampers axis (M6 x 40 w screw).

Actuator :

optional (consult our technical department)

Actuator with return spring, return to zero through lack of
current, stop for damper rotation angle control.
Not wired - 230 / 1 / 50.

Electrical connections

Before connecting the unit to the mains, make sure that the voltage is the same as that indicated on the unit identification plate.

The connections to the mains should comply with the applicable installation regulations. The unit must be earthed. We cannot be
held responsible for accidents following incorrect or non-existent earthing.

With appliances featuring optional electronic components, comply with the electrical diagram supplied with the appliance.

For customer applications, the electrical diagram is to be drawn up from the generic diagrams provided below.


The BLACK, BLUE and RED wirds must never be interconnected.

Internal wiring of standard unit on terminal strip for 2-pipe or 4-pipe configuration tubes:

Fig. 18

Fig. 19

Fig. 20

Control lever with
locking screw

Recycled air

Recycled air (eventual)

Recycled air (eventual)

Fresh air

Fresh air

Fresh air

F :

Fused isolator

MK :

Air handling fan

XB :

Terminal block

Customer equipment

Customer connection

Fig. 21

copie_de_NA0033B UTA STANDARD.qxd  31/05/2010  15:07  Page 7

Summary of Contents for UTA 370-22

Page 1: Maintenance Installation Operation Commissioning Maintenance Montage Betriebs und Wartungs Anweisung Instalaci n Funcionamiento Puesta en marcha Mantenimiento Installazione Funzionamento Avviament...

Page 2: ...3 Manchette 5 Caisson de reprise d air 5 Raccordements lectriques 7 Entretien 9 Essais et garantie 9 CIAT est en conformit avec le marquage CE autorisant une libre circulation de ses appareils sur l e...

Page 3: ...e r c piss qu apr s IMPORTANT Ces remarques conform ment l article 105 du Code du Commerce doivent tre confirm es par lettre recommand e aupr s du transporteur dans un d lai de 3 jours ouvrables Les m...

Page 4: ...on Utiliser un tube d vacuation de 16 mm transparent ayant une pente de 2 cm m minimum avec un d nivel constant tout le long du parcours Pr voir un siphon d au moins 5 cm pour viter tout refoulement d...

Page 5: ...conseill par sortie Fig 7 vis M6 rondelle ventail rondelle plate 3 entr es sorties D bit d air 200 400 m3 h 5 entr es sorties D bit d air 200 400 m3 h 250 600 m3 h 6 entr es sorties D bit d air 250 60...

Page 6: ...ace du joint PVC sur le pourtour ext rieur pour l tanch t entre la manchette et l UTA Montage de la manchette sur l UTA Caisson de reprise d air Pr sentation Joint PVC Fig 11 Fig 12 vis rondelle venta...

Page 7: ...n position tout air recycl Apr s avoir serr toutes les vis de fixation du caisson v rifier le bon fonctionnement du volet L UTA doit tre install parfaitement de niveau afin de ne pas provoquer le bloc...

Page 8: ...e sur la plaque signal tique de l appareil Le raccordement au r seau devra tre conforme aux r gles d installation en vigueur La mise la terre de l appareil est imp rative Notre responsabilit ne saura...

Page 9: Green Yellow Rouge Red P V LOW SPEED Rouge Red Vert Jaune Green Yellow N 1 2 Q PE 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 PE 8 9 N N 1 XB MK R BSCA BSCM 6 6 7 7 XB BSCM BSCA R1 R2 LEGENDE Limiteur de temp rature autom...

Page 10: ...d un petit tournevis port e plate de retirer le fil d alimentation apr s la mise hors tension Puis de s lectionner le rep re moteur d sir et de clipser simplement la main ce fil d alimentation sans l...

Page 11: ...g of accessories 3 Sleeve 5 Air intake box 5 Electrical connections 7 Servicing 9 Test and guarantee 9 CIAT complies with the CE mark authorising the free circulation of its units throughout the Europ...

Page 12: ...nce of the delivery person and only sign the receipt after having done this IMPORTANT These remarks in compliance with article 105 of the French trade code must be confirmed by registered letter to th...

Page 13: ...nstant difference in level along its path Provide a siphon of at least 5 cm to prevent any discharge of gas or unpleasant odours Mounting of accessories Presentation The plenum is an accessory which i...

Page 14: ...ded air flow per outlet Fig 7 M6 screw star washer flat washer 3 inlets outlets Air flow 200 400 m3 h 5 inlets outlets Air flow 200 400 m3 h 250 600 m3 h 6 inlets outlets Air flow 250 600 m3 h Fig 8 F...

Page 15: ...ioning of the PVC gasket on the external perimeter for correct sealing between sleeve and UTA Mounting of the sleeve on the UTA Air intake box Presentation PVC gasket Fig 11 Fig 12 screw star washer f...

Page 16: ...the damper on all recycled air position After having tightened all the fixing screws of the box check the satisfactory operation of the damper The UTA must be installed perfectly levelled so as to av...

Page 17: ...make sure that the voltage is the same as that indicated on the unit identification plate The connections to the mains should comply with the applicable installation regulations The unit must be eart...

Page 18: ...ure limiter Fused isolator Contactor relay Air handling fan with overload protection Heating element Terminal block Cold water solenoid valve Equipment supplied on request Customer equipment Customer...

Page 19: ...s equipped with 4 speed motor for which 3 speeds are pre wired in the factory To modify the factory wiring simply remove the power supply wire using a small flat screwdriver after switching off the un...

Page 20: ...e der Zubeh rteile 3 Luftstutzen 5 R ckluftbeh lter 5 Elektrische Anschl sse 7 Wartung 9 Tests und Garantie 9 CIAT ist der CE Kennzeichnung konform die eine freie Verbreitung seiner Ger te auf der Ges...

Page 21: ...ben und erst anschliessend die Empfangsbescheinigung unterschreiben WICHTIG Diese Bemerkungen gem ss Artikel 105 des Code du Commerce m ssen durch ein Einschreiben an den Spediteur innerhalb von 3 Wer...

Page 22: ...chsichtigenAblasschlauch von 16mm mit einem minimalen Gef lle von 2cm m und einem konstantem Gef lle auf dem gesamten Weg Sehen Sie einen Syphon von 5 cm vor um jeden Gas R cklauf oder schlechte Ger c...

Page 23: ...fohlenen Luftleistung Fig 7 Schraube F cherscheibe Unterlegscheibe 3 Einl sse Ausl sse Luftleistung 200 400 m3 h 5 Einl sse Ausl sse Luftleistung 200 400 m3 h 250 600 m3 h 6 Einl sse Ausl sse Luftleis...

Page 24: ...g um eine Dichtheit zwischen dem Luftstutzen und dem Luftaufbereitungsger t zu gew hrleisten Anbringen des Luftstutzens an dem Luftaufbereitungsger t R ckluftbeh lter Darstellung PVC gaslet Fig 11 Fig...

Page 25: ...Luftaufbereitungsger t mit der Klappe in Position gesamte wiederaufbereitete Luft Nach Anziehen aller Befestigungsschrauben des Kastens die korrekte Funktion der Klappe berpr fen Das Luftaufbereitung...

Page 26: ...ass die Spannung diejenige ist die auf dem Typenschild angegeben ist Der Netzanschluss muss den geltenden Installationsregelungen konform sein Die Erdung des Ger ts ist unbedingt notwendig Wir bernehm...

Page 27: ...oir Black G V HIGH SPEED Ivoire Ivory Vert Jaune Green Yellow Rouge Red P V LOW SPEED Rouge Red Vert Jaune Green Yellow N 1 2 Q PE 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 PE 8 9 N N 1 XB MK R BSCA BSCM 6 6 7 7 XB BSCM BS...

Page 28: ...Einspeisungskabel des Motors mit Hilfe eines Schraubenzieher rauszuziehen nachdem die Spannung abgeschaltet wurde Danach w hlen Sie die gew nschten Motorstufen und klipsen Sie das Einspeisungskabel mi...

Page 29: ...porte 5 Caj n de recuperaci n del aire 5 Conexiones el ctricas 7 Mantenimiento 9 Pruebas y garant a 9 CIAT cumple con el marcado CE que autoriza la libre circulaci n de sus equipos en el conjunto del...

Page 30: ...ente en el albar n los da os advertidos en presencia del transportista y firmar el albar n a continuaci n IMPORTANTE Estas observaciones deben ser confirmadas al transportista por carta certificada en...

Page 31: 16 mm transparente con una pendiente m nima de 2 cm m con un desnivel constante a lo largo de todo el recorrido Debe prever un sif n de al menos 5 cm para evitar posibles emisiones de gas o de olo...

Page 32: ...o por salida Fig 7 Tornillo M6 arandela en abanico arandela plana 3 entradas salidas Caudal de aire 200 400 m3 h 5 entradas salidas Caudal de aire 200 400 m3 h 250 600 m3 h 6 entradas salidas Caudal d...

Page 33: ...en el contorno exterior para lograr la estanqueidad entre el cuadro y la UTA Montaje del cuadro en la UTA Caj n de recuperaci n del aire Presentaci n Junta de PVC Fig 11 Fig 12 tornillo arandela en a...

Page 34: ...vez apretados todos los tornillos de fijaci n del caj n compruebe el correcto funcionamiento de la compuerta La UTA debe quedar perfectamente nivelada para evitar el bloqueo de la compuerta durante su...

Page 35: ...d compruebe que la tensi n sea la indicada en la placa de caracter sticas del equipo La conexi n a la red debe ser conforme a las normas de instalaci n en vigor Es obligatorio conectar a tierra el equ...

Page 36: ...een Yellow Rouge Red P V LOW SPEED Rouge Red Vert Jaune Green Yellow N 1 2 Q PE 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 PE 8 9 N N 1 XB MK R BSCA BSCM 6 6 7 7 XB BSCM BSCA R1 R2 ALIMENTACI N BATER A EL C M X 4 600 V REGU...

Page 37: ...e alimentaci n con un peque o destornillador plano con el equipo desconectado de la corriente A continuaci n seleccione la referencia de motor deseada y conecte manualmente este hilo de alimentaci n s...

Page 38: ...degli accessori 3 Manicotto 5 Sezione di ricircolo dell aria 5 Collegamenti elettrici 7 Manutenzione 9 Test e garanzia 9 La marcatura CE autorizza la libera circolazione degli apparecchi CIAT in tutto...

Page 39: ...irmare la bolla di consegna IMPORTANTE I reclami come indicato nell articolo 105 del Codice del Commercio devono essere confermati al trasportatore a mezzo di lettera raccomandata entro 3 giorni lavor...

Page 40: ...rente avente una pendenza minima di 2 cm m con un dislivello costante lungo tutto il percorso Predisporre un sifone di almeno 5 cm per evitare mandate di gas o di odori sgradevoli Montaggio degli acce...

Page 41: ...sigliato per uscita Fig 7 vite M6 rondella ventaglio rondella piatta 3 ingressi uscite Portata d aria 200 400 m3 ore 5 ingressi uscite Portata d aria 200 400 m3 ore 250 600 m3 ore 6 ingressi uscite Po...

Page 42: esterno per la tenuta tra il manicotto e l unit di trattamento dell aria Montaggio del manicotto sull unit di trattamento dell aria Sezicolo dell aria Presentazione Guarnizione in PVC Fig 11 Fig 12...

Page 43: ...esclusivamente con aria riciclata Dopo avere serrato tutte le viti di fissaggio del cassone verificare il corretto funzionamento della serranda L unit di trattamento dell aria deve essere installata...

Page 44: ...etica dell apparecchio Il collegamento alla rete elettrica dovr essere conforme alle norme di installazione in vigore La messa a terra dell apparecchio obbligatoria CIAT declina ogni responsabilit per...

Page 45: ...6 7 7 PE 8 9 N N 1 XB MK R BSCA BSCM 6 6 7 7 XB BSCM BSCA R1 R2 LEGENDA Limitatore di temperatura automatico Limitatore di temperatura manuale Ventilatore di trattamento dell aria Sezionatore fusibile...

Page 46: ...iciente togliere il filo di alimentazione usando un piccolo cacciavite piatto dopo avere tolto la corrente Selezionare poi il riferimento motore desiderato e agganciare semplicemente questo filo di al...

Page 47: ...RU 1 RU RU 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 5 7 9 9 CIAT CE copie_de_NR0033B UTA STANDARD qxd 31 05 2010 15 15 Page 1...

Page 48: ...RU 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 105 250 1 3 2 copie_de_NR0033B UTA STANDARD qxd 31 05 2010 15 15 Page 2...

Page 49: ...DN 200 UTA 370 22 44 DN 250 UTA 370 44 370 66 1 2 UTA A B C D B C D B C D G 1 2 2 5 19 14 2 19 13 5 1 5 19 13 5 G 3 4 2 5 24 18 2 24 17 5 1 5 24 17 5 G 1 2 5 30 24 2 30 24 1 5 30 24 4 5 6 copie_de_NR...

Page 50: ...RU 4 7 6 3 200 400 3 5 200 400 3 250 600 3 6 250 600 3 8 9 10 copie_de_NR0033B UTA STANDARD qxd 31 05 2010 15 15 Page 4...

Page 51: ...RU 5 RU UTA Fib Air CIAT UTA UTA 11 12 2 CIAT 13 copie_de_NR0033B UTA STANDARD qxd 31 05 2010 15 15 Page 5...

Page 52: ...RU 6 UTA UTA UTA UTA UTA UTA 7 UTA M6 x 20 6 UTA 370 02 22 03 04 44 8 UTA 370 05 14 15 16 5 17 copie_de_NR0033B UTA STANDARD qxd 31 05 2010 15 15 Page 6...

Page 53: ...RU 7 RU 90 3 3 M6 x 40 CIAT 230 1 50 CIAT 2 4 18 19 20 F MK XB 21 copie_de_NR0033B UTA STANDARD qxd 31 05 2010 15 15 Page 7...

Page 54: ...e M V MEDIUM SPEED Noir Black G V HIGH SPEED Ivoire Ivory Vert Jaune Green Yellow Rouge Red P V LOW SPEED Rouge Red Vert Jaune Green Yellow N 1 2 Q PE 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 PE 8 9 N N 1 XB MK R BSCA BSC...

Page 55: ...RU 9 RU CIAT IEC 60364 CIAT IEC 60335 2 40 2 1 2 4 CIAT CIAT copie_de_NR0033B UTA STANDARD qxd 31 05 2010 15 15 Page 9...

Page 56: ...ment always in mind CIAT reserves the right without notice to proceed with any technical modification Dieses Dokument ist keine Vertragsunterlage Da wir st ndig bem ht sind unser Material noch weiter...
