CI-202 Instruction Manual rev. 6/21/2017
1554 NE 3
Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA
Phone (360) 833-8835 Fax (360) 833-1914
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where do I download the most current version of CI-202 software?
a. The latest version of software and the driver can be downloaded at
2. How do I clean the CI-202?
a. Make sure the scan window on the scan head is clean. Do not use paper
products to clean any optical parts of our devices. You must always use a clean
soft cloth with a little moisture to prevent scratching of components such as
mirrors, scan windows, and cover sheets on the CI-202 scan board or lenses.
Paper products can act as sandpaper on optical parts and ruin the device. Dirty
optics and components can make the length measurement unstable. On the
bottom of the scan head you will see a small optic sensor make sure it is clean
also. It runs down the guide rail of the scan board. You may also want to clean
the rail as well. Its coating is critical to the functioning of the device as well.
3. How does the CI-202 work?
a. The CI-202 instrument is a laser scanner. While over the scan area, the laser
light is reflected back to a photodiode which measures the light intensity. The
light intensity is compared with the threshold voltage to generate a digital output
that is ready to be processed by the
(MicroControllerUnit). Processing is
done by precise time measurements of the digital signal in Leaf mode and pulse
counting in Root mode.
4. How many modes does the instrument have?
a. The instrument has 2 modes, one is called Leaf mode and the other is called
Root mode. All measurements, even a root length measurement, are
recommended to be done in Leaf mode. The Root mode will measure root length
using older techniques for historical reasons, but it is mainly used today in the
calibration process. To switch modes the user has to navigate to
menu and press
To make selected mode persistent
across power cycles user should press
5. What is the resolution?
The CI-202 with filter turned off is able to reliably detect objects up to
across. Be aware the CI-202 does not process pixels, all measurements are
done based on scan times to the edges of the physical object. Vertical resolution
is about
6. How do you recharge the battery?
a. The instrument has an internal rechargeable NiMH battery rated 7.2V at
2200mA/H. It could be charge either from the plugin wall charger or a computer
USB port. In either way charge process could be monitored from