After you have acquired sufficient operative experience, the modalities of preparation of the mixture can be partially
modified, to obtain all the advantages offered by a low volume treatment from the sprayer.
In fact, differently from what was previously said, the quantity per hectare can be reduced by approx. 25% without
compromising the result of treatment.
This reduction of doses is suggested to the farmer who understands the functional principles of this technique and its
practical possibilities, and wants to finalize his activity in the most economical way. To avoid the perplexities and fears
that might be raised by this new operative condition, one must consider the different coverage modalities between the
two treatment systems.
— When operating with traditional normal volume machines, the quantity of mixture prepared for treatment is used in
way and without evaluating the possible negative consequences for the environment. With
this coverage technique, in fact, one has a 25% average loss of the mixture employed, due to dripping on the ground,
and dispersion in out-of-target treatment. It is therefore evident that, even with the traditional system, the treatment
is made distributing over the vegetation surface only 75% of the prepared volume of mixture, corresponding to a
quantity of active principle reduced by 25% with respect to quantity estimated at the beginning. The need to prepare
a volume of mixture greater than the real requirements of the cultivation comes only from the coverage technique
that, to distribute on the vegetation the necessary dose, i.e. 75% of that quantity, unavoidably disperses the
remaining 25%.
"Therefore, of the 3 kg. of agrochemical product per hectare mentioned in the example,
only 2250 gr. (75%) will actually be distributed on the plants, and the remaining 750 gr. (25%) will be
dispersed in the environment".
— A correct use of our pneumatic equipement, on the contrary, eliminates this negative aspect and its
relevant consequences. The essential characteristics of a low volume treatment is to carry out treatments without
mixture dripping. If this happens, it means that the sprayer is not used according to its real operative possibilities.
The numerous distribution devices that can be employed on our machines, also eliminate the dispersion effect. They
allow, in fact,
"specific" treatments
, as the air flow can be adapted to the shape of plants and
the mixture distribution can be differentiated according to the real existing needs in different parts of the same plant.
Therefore, with obvious economic advantage, this treatment system permits the reduction of the dose of
agrochemical product per hectar normally foreseen, by that 25% imputable to "dripping" and "dispersion", without
compromising the coverage efficiency. The validity of this method is confirmed by the observation that both systems
perform the coverage by distributing over the vegetation surface 75% of the dose indicated at the beginning.
"Reducing the 3 kg. of agrochemical product per hectare, considered in the example, by 25%, the mixture
shall be prepared with 2250 gr., that will be fully distributed on the plants. "