A. PROBLEM: When using the filling piping the pump does not intake
1. CAUSE The quantity of water poured into the tank is not enough to prime the pump.
REMEDY: Add water to the tank until the pump begins to recycle.
2. CAUSE The foot valve takes air in.
REMEDY: Fully immerse the foot valve.
3. CAUSE Lack of seal of the hydraulic circuit.
Check tightening of ring nuts, unions and clamps. Verify the efficiency of gaskets and the
integrity of pipings. restore working order and replace all possible faulty parts.
4. CAUSE Slippage of the pump belt.
REMEDY: Check the tension of the belt stretcher spring.
5. CAUSE Breakage of the pump belt.
REMEDY: Replace the belt.
B. PROBLEM: Leakages and drippings from the pump
1. CAUSE Leak of seal in unions and clamps connecting the pipings to the pump.
REMEDY: Check tightening of ring nuts and clamps. Verify the efficiency of gasket. Replace the possible
faulty parts.
2. CAUSE Leak of seal (O-ring) of the outside pump coupling flanges.
Refer to C.I.M.A. after-sale service.
3. CAUSE Breakage of mechanic seal.
REMEDY: Refer to C.I.M.A. after-sale service.
C. PROBLEM: Hydraulic circuit pressure drop signalled by the manometer
1. CAUSE Delivery or suction filter are dirty.
REMEDY: Clean the cartridge.
2. CAUSE Lack of seal in the hydraulic circuit.
REMEDY: Check functionality of the pump and its belt. Check tightening of ring nuts, unions and clamps.
Verify the efficiency of gaskets and the integrity of pipings. Restore working order and replace the possible
faulty parts.
3. CAUSE Faulty centrifugal pump. See point "B".
REMEDY: As in point "B".
4. CAUSE Faulty manometer.
REMEDY: Refer to C.I.M.A. after-sale service.
D. PROBLEM: Vibration of the fan group
1. CAUSE The fan is dirty.
REMEDY: Refer to C.I.M.A. after-sale service for cleaning.
2. CAUSE The 2 PTOs are not aligned or are not parallel.
REMEDY: Position the 2 PTOs in the correct way.