Peak Signal Limit All Channels (LimitAll)
Default = 1
When cleared, the peak signal limiter will limit the maximum signal amplitude to prevent clipping on the
specific channel indicating clipping. The other channels will not be affected. When set, the peak signal
limiter will limit the maximum signal amplitude to prevent clipping on all channels in response to any single
channel indicating clipping. See
“Peak Signal Limiter” on page 37
for more information.
Peak Detect and Limiter Enable (EnLimiter)
Default = 0
Limits the maximum signal amplitude to prevent clipping when this function is enabled. Peak signal limit-
ing is performed by digital attenuation.
LimitAll Setting
Limit All Channels Configuration
0 .......................................... Only individual channels affected by any limiter event.
1 .......................................... All channels affected by any limiter event.
EnLimiter Setting
Peak Signal Limiter State
0 .......................................... Peak signal limiter disabled.
1 .......................................... Peak signal limiter enabled.