The time (HHmm) that the device resynchronizes with
the provisioning server.
The value for this field must be a four-digit number
ranging from 0000 to 2400 to indicate the time in
HHmm format. For example, 0959 indicates 09:59.
The default value is empty. If the value is invalid, the
parameter is ignored. If this parameter is set with a
valid value, the Resync Periodic parameter is ignored.
Resync At (HHmm)
Prevents an overload of the provisioning server when
a large number of devices power-on simultaneously.
To avoid flooding resync requests to the server from
multiple phones, the phone resynchronizes in the range
between the hours and minutes, and the hours and
minutes plus the random delay (hhmm,
hhmm+random_delay). For example, if the random
delay = (Resync At Random Delay + 30)/60 minutes,
the input value in seconds is converted to minutes,
rounding up to the next minute to calculate the final
random_delay interval.
The valid value ranges between 0 and 65535.
This feature is disabled when this parameter is set to
zero. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Resync At Random Delay
Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide
Cisco IP Phone Troubleshooting
Configuration Profile