Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide
OL-3418-02 B0
ROM Monitor Commands
dev—Lists boot device identifications on the gateway.
For example:
rommon 10 > dev
Devices in device table:
id name
flash: flash
bootflash: boot flash
dir devid—Lists the files on the named device.
For example:
rommon 11 > dir flash:
File size Checksum File name
9474676 bytes (0x909274) 0x54322421 c5350-js-mz.Jan6
dlnd [-xv:] [args]—Downloads in binary format through the console and executes. The -x option
downloads but does not execute. The -v option allows you to specify the verbose level. The optional
arguments are passed to the downloaded program via the argc/argv mechanism (only when -x is not
used). The exit value is the return value from the downloaded routine or the status of the download
operation (success or failure) if the -x option is used.
frame [number]—Displays an entire individual stack frame. Enter a number to indicate which frame
to display. You can also specify a number to indicate which stack frame to display. Note that the
default is 0 (zero), which is the youngest frame.
For example:
rommon 6 > frame 2
Frame 02: FP = 0x02003960 RA = 0x020050ee
at 0x02003968 (fp + 0x08) = 0x02004f8d
at 0x0200396c (fp + 0x0c) = 0x0200f390
at 0x02003970 (fp + 0x10) = 0x02006afc
at 0x02003974 (fp + 0x14) = 0xc0a82983
at 0x02003978 (fp + 0x18) = 0x02003a7e
at 0x0200397c (fp + 0x1c) = 0x02002630
at 0x02003980 (fp + 0x20) = 0x00000000
at 0x02003984 (fp + 0x24) = 0x02000000
at 0x02003988 (fp + 0x28) = 0x0200c4a4
at 0x0200398c (fp + 0x2c) = 0x0200f448
help—Prints a summary of the ROM monitor commands to the console screen. This is the same
output as entering ?
For example:
rommon 11 > help
alias set and display aliases command
boot boot up an external process
break set/show/clear the breakpoint
confreg configuration register utility
cont continue executing a downloaded image
context display the context of a loaded image
cookie display contents of cookie PROM in hex
dev list the device table
dir list files in file system
dis disassemble instruction stream
dnld serial download a program module
dram verify DRAM