Releases 12 and 14:
16,000 BGP prefixes can be learned/advertised per context (64,000 per chassis)
Releases 15 and 16:
32,000 BGP prefixes can be learned/advertised per context (64,000 per chassis)
Releases 17, 18 and higher:
64,000 BGP prefixes can be learned/advertised per context (64,000
per chassis)
64 EBGP peers can be configured per context (512 per chassis)
16 IBGP peers per context
512 BGP/AAA monitors per context in support of Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR)
200 OSPF neighbors per chassis
10,000 OSPF routes per context (64,000 per chassis)
16 label distribution protocol (LDP) sessions per context
8,000 forwarding equivalence class (FEC) entries per context (48, 000 per chassis)
Up to 8,000 incoming label map (ILM) entries per context (48, 000 per chassis)
Prior to Release 15.0:
250 virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) tables per context (1,024 or 2,048
[release 14.0+] VRFs per chassis)
Release 15.0 and higher:
300 virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) tables per context (2,048 VRFs
per chassis) [256 VRFs per context with demux functions enabled on the MIO card]
APN limit is 2,048 per chassis; VRF limits and APN limits should be identical.
64,000 IP routes
NEMO (Network Mobility)
Prior to Release 15.0:
256K prefixes/framed routes per chassis and up to 8 dynamically learned
prefixes per MR (Mobile Router)
Release 15.0 and higher:
512K prefixes/framed routes per chassis and up to 16 dynamically learned
prefixes per MR (Mobile Router)
128 AAA servers per context for a default AAA server group. The servers can be configured as
accounting, authentication, charging servers, or any combination thereof.
You can configure up to 800 AAA server groups per context with following limitations:
128 servers per AAA server group (accounting, authentication, charging server, or any combination
1,600 servers per context in AAA Server group mode (accounting, authentication, charging server,
or any combination thereof)
800 NAS-IP address/NAS identifier (one primary and one secondary per server group) per context
ASR 5500 System Administration Guide, StarOS Release 21.5
Engineering Rules
Context Rules