On the ASR 5500, static routes with IPv6 prefix lengths less than /12 and between the range of /64 and
/128 are not supported.
Configuring BFD for Single Hop
Enable BFD on an interface.
context bfd_context_name
interface if_name
ip address ipv4_address ipv4_mask
ipv6 address ipv6_address ipv6_mask
bfd interval interval_value min_rx rx_value multiplier multiplier_value
[ bfd echo ]
Enable BFD on a BGP Neighbor. For additional information, see
Associating BGP Neighbors with the Context,
on page 226
Enable BFD on an OSPF Neighbor. For additional information, see
Associating OSPF Neighbors with the
Context, on page 226
On the ASR 5500, routes with IPv6 prefix lengths less than /12 and between the range of /64 and /128 are
not supported.
Configuring Multihop BFD
Enable BFD on an interface.
context bfd_context_name
interface if_name
ip address ipv4_address ipv4_mask
ipv6 address ipv6_address ipv6_mask
bfd interval interval_value min_rx rx_value multiplier multiplier_value
[ bfd echo ]
Configure a Multihop BFD session.
bfd multihop peer destination-address interval interval-value multiplier multiplier-value
Enable BFD on a BGP Neighbor. For additional information, see
Associating BGP Neighbors with the Context,
on page 226
ASR 5500 System Administration Guide, StarOS Release 21.5
Configuring BFD