Gx Interface Support
Rel. 7 Gx Interface ▀
Cisco ASR 5x00 Packet Data Network Gateway Administration Guide ▄
Precedence: For different PCC rules with overlapping SDF filter, the precedence of the rule determines which of
these rules is applicable. When a dynamic PCC rule and a predefined PCC rule have the same priority, the
dynamic PCC rule takes precedence.
Gate Status: The gate status indicates whether the SDF, detected by the SDF filter(s), may pass (gate is open) or
will be discarded (gate is closed) in uplink and/or in downlink direction.
QoS Parameters: The QoS information includes the QoS class identifier (authorized QoS class for the SDF), the
Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP), and authorized bitrates for uplink and downlink.
In earlier releases, ECS used only the Priority-Level part of ARP byte for bearer
binding, (along with QCI). Now the entire ARP byte is used for bearer binding (along with QCI).
Since the capability and vulnerability bits are optional in a dynamic rule, if a dynamic rule is
received without these flags, it is assumed that the capability bit is set to 1 (disabled) and
vulnerability bit is set to 0 (enabled). For predefined rules, currently configuring these two flags is
not supported, so as of now all predefined rules are assumed to have capability bit set to 1 (disabled)
and vulnerability bit set to 0 (enabled).
Charging key (rating group)
Other charging parameters: The charging parameters define whether online and offline charging interfaces are
used, what is to be metered in offline charging, on what level the PCEF will report the usage related to the rule,
and so on.
In this release, configuring the Metering Method and Reporting Level for dynamic PCC rules is not
PCC rules also include Application Function (AF) record information for enabling charging correlation between the
application and bearer layer if the AF has provided this information via the Rx interface. For IMS, this includes the IMS
Charging Identifier (ICID) and flow identifiers.
PCC Procedures over Gx Reference Point
Request for PCC rules
The PCEF, via the Gx reference point, requests for PCC rules in the following instances:
At IP-CAN session establishment.
At IP-CAN session modification.
PCC rules can also be requested as a consequence of a failure in the PCC rule installation/activation or enforcement
without requiring an event trigger.
Provisioning of PCC rules
The PCRF indicates, via the Rel. 7 Gx reference point, the PCC rules to be applied at the PCEF. This may be using one
of the following procedures:
PULL (provisioning solicited by the PCEF): In response to a request for PCC rules being made by the PCEF, the
PCRF provisions PCC rules in the CC-Answer.
PUSH (unsolicited provisioning): The PCRF may decide to provision PCC rules without obtaining a request
from the PCEF. For example, in response to information provided to the PCRF via the Rx reference point, or in
response to an internal trigger within the PCRF. To provision PCC rules without a request from the PCEF, the