lnm syslog
To enable logging of link noise monitoring major, remove, and minor events and alarms, use the
lnm syslog
command in T1 or E1 controller configuration mode. To disable logging, use the
form of this command.
lnm syslog
no lnm syslog
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
Command Default
Logging of link noise monitoring messages and events is disabled.
Command Modes
T1 configuration
E1 configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Release 4.0.0
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task
IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator
for assistance.
Enabling LNM syslog messages can produce large amounts of console messages. If you want to avoid
this and disable the LNM syslog, you can use the
show controllers lnm
command to view the most recent
event messages and current LNM states.
When you enable syslog messages for LNM events using the
lnm syslog
command, LNM messages will
appear in both the system log and in the log events buffer. You can display LNM events in the log events
buffer using the
show logging events buffer bistate-alarms-set
command, and also using the
show logging
command, which are described in the
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router System Monitoring
Command Reference
LNM supports hierarchical level alarm reporting as defined in the Telcordia (Bellcore) GR-253 standard.
Hierarchical alarm reporting means that whenever a higher alarm is asserted, the lower alarm state is suppressed.
When the high alarm is cleared, the lower alarm will re-assert if the condition still exists.
For LNM, this means that if a major warning threshold is continuously met or exceeded resulting in a crossed
event and alarm state, then a minor warning alarm state is suppressed and returned to stable state. The minor
crossed event also is removed from the bistate log. When the major warning is cleared, the minor warning
alarm is asserted if the condition still exists.
Only a single crossed event for major warnings will appear in the bistate log for the controller. Therefore,
you will see only a single log message for a controller if noise exists above configured threshold values.
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference,
Release 5.3.x
T3, E3, T1, E1 Controller Commands on the Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router
lnm syslog