Acest echipament este in conformitate cu cerintele esentiale si cu alte prevederi
relevante ale Directivei 2014/53/EU.
Română [Romanian]
Ta naprava je skladna z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi pogoji
Direktive 2014/53/UE.
Slovensko [Slovenian]:
Toto zariadenie je v zhode so základnými požiadavkami a inými príslušnými
nariadeniami direktív: 2014/53/EÚ.
Slovensky [Slovak]:
Tämä laite täyttää direktiivin 2014/53/EU olennaiset vaatimukset ja on siinä
asetettujen muiden laitetta koskevien määräysten mukainen.
Suomi [Finnish]:
Denna utrustning är i överensstämmelse med de väsentliga kraven och andra
relevanta bestämmelser i Direktiv 2014/53/EU.
Svenska [Swedish]:
Bu cihaz 2014/53/EU Direktifi'nin temel gereklerine ve ilgili diğer hükümlerine
Türk [Turkish]
National Restrictions
In the EU and other European countries, the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands have been made available for use by
wireless LANs.
The IR1800 Series is intended for outdoor usage.
Products that can operate in the 5150 to 5350-MHz frequency band are restricted to indoor use only.
The following sections identify the countries having additional requirements or restrictions.
In Denmark, the band 5150 to 5350 MHz is also allowed for outdoor usage.
I Danmark må frekvensbåndet 5150 - 5350 også anvendes udendørs.
This product meets the National Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the National Frequency
Allocation Table for Italy. Unless this wireless LAN product is operating within the boundaries of the owner's
property, its use requires a "general authorization". For details, see:
Questo prodotto è conforme alla specifiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta il Piano Nazionale di
ripartizione delle frequenze in Italia. Se non viene installato all’interno del proprio fondo, l’utilizzo di prodotti
Wireless LAN richiede una “Autorizzazione Generale”. Consultare
Cisco Catalyst IR1800 Rugged Series Router Hardware Installation Guide
Regulatory Compliance
National Restrictions