Global A-DSG 1.2 Tunnel Settings
Adding DSG Tunnel Group to a Subinterface
Configuring the DSG Client Settings for Advanced-Mode DSG 1.2
Configuring Downstream DSG 1.2 Settings for Advanced-Mode DSG 1.2
Configuring IP Multicast Operations
Enabling DNS Query and DSG Name Process
Configuring NAT to Support Unicast Messaging
Configuring WAN Interfaces for Multicast Operations
Configuring a Standard IP Access List for Packet Filtering
Configuring a Standard IP Access List for Multicast Group Filtering
Disabling A-DSG Forwarding on the Primary Channel
How to Monitor and Debug the Advanced-mode DOCSIS Set-Top Gateway Feature
Displaying Global Configurations for Advanced-Mode DSG 1.2
show cable dsg static-group bundle
Displaying Interface-level Configurations for Advanced-Mode DSG 1.2
show cable dsg tunnel interfaces
show interfaces cable dsg downstream
show interfaces cable dsg downstream dcd
show interfaces cable dsg downstream tg
show interfaces cable dsg downstream tunnel
Configuration Examples for Advanced-Mode DSG
Example: Disabling A-DSG Forwarding on the Primary Channel
Feature Information for Advanced-Mode DSG 1.2 for the Cisco CMTS Routers
C H A P T E R 3
Cisco Network Registrar for the Cisco CMTS Routers
Hardware Compatibility Matrix for Cisco cBR Series Routers
Servers Required on the HFC Network
Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers Application
Voice and Video Configuration Guide