Nomis Connections, Connections House, 11a Kings Road, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 3AA
0844 880 9900
0844 880 0009
Lets you set passwords for access to the phone’s settings. It doesn’t stop anyone from making calls. To
do that, you need to access authorisation and authority codes on the Horizon Portal.
Date and Time
These should automatically update from the Horizon network. However, you can configure the time
manually or adjust the time zone from this screen if needed.
The Cisco 525 will always be set to US English and shouldn’t be changed.
Choose this option if the system has a problem registering with Horizon, for example, or if you need to
restart to gain access to new features and updates. The phone will ask you to confirm you want a
restart. It will then power down and re-establish its network settings. You can also restart by removing
and re-inserting the Ethernet and/or the power cable.
Factory reset
This option should never be used.