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Appendix E

Software License Agreement

ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch


Version 2.1, February 1999

Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 

51  Franklin  Street,  Fifth  Floor,  Boston,  MA  02110-1301, 

Everyone  is  permitted  to  copy  and  distribute  verbatim 
copies  of  this  license  document,  but  changing  it  is  not 

[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also 
counts as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, 
version 2, hence the version number 2.1.]


The licenses for most software are designed to take away 
your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU 
General  Public  Licenses  are  intended  to  guarantee  your 
freedom  to  share  and  change  free  software—to  make 
sure the software is free for all its users.

This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to 
some specially designated software packages—typically 
libraries—of  the  Free  Software  Foundation  and  other 
authors who decide to use it. You can use it too, but we 
suggest you first think carefully about whether this license 
or the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy 
to use in any particular case, based on the explanations 

When  we  speak  of  free  software,  we  are  referring  to 
freedom  of  use,  not  price.  Our  General  Public  Licenses 
are  designed  to  make  sure  that  you  have  the  freedom 
to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this 
service if you wish); that you receive source code or can 
get it if you want it; that you can change the software and 
use  pieces  of  it  in  new  free  programs;  and  that  you  are 
informed that you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that 
forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you 
to  surrender  these  rights. These  restrictions  translate  to 
certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of 
the library or if you modify it.

For  example,  if  you  distribute  copies  of  the  library, 
whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients 
all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that 
they, too, receive or can get the source code. If you link 
other  code  with  the  library,  you  must  provide  complete 
object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them 
with the library after making changes to the library and 
recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so 
they know their rights.

We  protect  your  rights  with  a  two-step  method:  (1)  we 
copyright  the  library,  and  (2)  we  offer  you  this  license, 
which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/
or modify the library.

To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear 
that  there  is  no  warranty  for  the  free  library.  Also,  if  the 
library  is  modified  by  someone  else  and  passed  on,  the 
recipients  should  know  that  what  they  have  is  not  the 
original  version,  so  that  the  original  author’s  reputation 
will not be affected by problems that might be introduced 
by others.

Finally,  software  patents  pose  a  constant  threat  to  the 
existence  of  any  free  program.  We  wish  to  make  sure 
that  a  company  cannot  effectively  restrict  the  users  of 
a  free  program  by  obtaining  a  restrictive  license  from  a 
patent holder. Therefore, we insist that any patent license 
obtained  for  a  version  of  the  library  must  be  consistent 
with the full freedom of use specified in this license.

Most  GNU  software,  including  some  libraries,  is  covered 
by the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, 
the GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain 
designated  libraries,  and  is  quite  different  from  the 
ordinary  General  Public  License.  We  use  this  license  for 
certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries 
into non-free programs.

When  a  program  is  linked  with  a  library,  whether 
statically  or  using  a  shared  library,  the  combination  of 
the two is legally speaking a combined work, a derivative 
of  the  original  library.  The  ordinary  General  Public 
License  therefore  permits  such  linking  only  if  the  entire 
combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General 
Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other 
code with the library.

We  call  this  license  the  “Lesser”  General  Public  License 
because  it  does  Less  to  protect  the  user’s  freedom  than 
the  ordinary  General  Public  License.  It  also  provides 
other free software developers Less of an advantage over 
competing  non-free  programs. These  disadvantages  are 
the  reason  we  use  the  ordinary  General  Public  License 
for  many  libraries.  However,  the  Lesser  license  provides 
advantages in certain special circumstances.

For  example,  on  rare  occasions,  there  may  be  a  special 
need  to  encourage  the  widest  possible  use  of  a  certain 
library, so that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve 
this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library. 
A more frequent case is that a free library does the same 
job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is 
little  to  gain  by  limiting  the  free  library  to  free  software 
only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.

In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-
free programs enables a greater number of people to use 
a large body of free software. For example, permission to 
use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many 
more people to use the whole GNU operating system, as 
well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system.

Although  the  Lesser  General  Public  License  is  Less 
protective of the users’ freedom, it does ensure that the 
user of a program that is linked with the Library has the 

Summary of Contents for LINKSYS AG241

Page 1: ...USER GUIDE ADSL2 Gateway with 4 Port Switch Model AG241 EU ...

Page 2: ... address or e mail address Online Resources Website addresses in this document are listed without http in front of the address because most current web browsers do not require it If you use an older web browser you may have to add http in front of the web address Resource Website Linksys www linksys com Linksys International www linksys com international Glossary www linksys com glossary Network S...

Page 3: ...gement 14 The Administration Tab Reporting 14 The Administration Tab Diagnostics 15 The Administration Tab Backup Restore 15 The Administration Tab Factory Defaults 15 The Administration Tab Firmware Upgrade 16 The Administration Tab Reboot 16 The Status Tab Gateway 16 The Status Tab Local Network 17 The Status Tab DSL Connection 17 Appendix A Troubleshooting 18 Appendix B Specifications 19 Append...

Page 4: ...witch at the heart of your home network you re connected to the future Front Panel Power Green The Power LED lights up when the Gateway is powered on Ethernet 1 4 Green The Ethernet LED lights up when the Gateway is connected to a device through the Ethernet port If the LED is blinking the Gateway is sending or receiving data over that port DSL Green The DSL LED lights up when there is a successfu...

Page 5: ...s Enter Internet Explorer Address Bar The login screen will ask you for your User name and Password Enter admin the default user name in the User Name field and enter admin the default password in the Password field Then click OK Login Screen Use the Utility to make changes as needed When you have finished making changes to a screen click Save Settings to save the changes or click Cancel Changes t...

Page 6: ...e if they use PPPoA If they do select this encapsulation type Bridged Mode Only Select this encapsulation if you are using your Gateway as a bridge which makes the Gateway act like a standalone modem Each Basic Setup screen and available features will differ depending on what type of encapsulation you select RFC 1483 Bridged Dynamic IP Dynamic IP IP Settings Select Obtain an IP Address Automatical...

Page 7: ...ion the Gateway will periodically check your Internet connection and automatically re establish your connection if you are not connected To use this option click the radio button next to this field and in the Redial Period field specify how often you want the Gateway to check the Internet connection The default Redial Period is 30 seconds RFC 2364 PPPoA RFC 2364 PPPoA PPPoA Settings User Name and ...

Page 8: ...the IP address for the DHCP server in the fields AutoDetect LAN DHCP Server This feature allows clients to automatically detect a DHCP server on your local network If you want to enable this feature click Enable Otherwise click Disable to disable this feature Starting IP Address Enter a value for the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses This value must be 192 168 1 2 or greater beca...

Page 9: ... Domain Name Enter the e mail address TZO password key and domain name of the service you set up with TZO com Internet IP Address The Gateway s current Internet IP address is displayed here Because it is dynamic it will change Status The status of the DDNS service connection is displayed here When you have finished making changes to this screen click Save Settings to save the changes or click Canc...

Page 10: ...erface are displayed Click Refresh to update the information Click Close to return to the previous screen Advanced Routing Routing Table When you have finished making changes to this screen click Save Settings to save the changes or click Cancel Changes to undo your changes The SecurityTab Firewall The Firewall screen contains filters and an option to block WAN requests Filters block specific Inte...

Page 11: ...The Local Secure Group is the computer s on your LAN that can access the tunnel The Remote Secure Group is the computer s on the remote end of the tunnel that can access the tunnel These computers can be specified by a Subnet specific IP address or range Local Security Gateway Remote Security Gateway The Remote Security Gateway is the VPN device such as a second VPN Gateway on the remote end of th...

Page 12: ...Click Connect to connect your VPN tunnel Click View Logs to view system UPnP VPN firewall access or all logs Click Advanced Settings and the Advanced IPSec VPN Tunnel Setup screen will appear System Log When you have finished making changes to the Security VPN screen click Save Settings to save the changes or click Cancel Changes to undo your changes AdvancedVPNTunnel Setup From the Advanced IPSec...

Page 13: ...ected then the Gateway will automatically re establish your connection Check this box to block unauthorized IP addresses Enter in the field to specify how many times IKE must fail before blocking that unauthorized IP address Enter the length of time that you specify in seconds in the field When finished making your changes to this screen click Save Settings to save the changes or click Cancel Chan...

Page 14: ...rvices If the service you want is not listed click Add Edit Service to open the Port Services screen The right side of this screen contains a list of services that you can choose Port Services Toaddanewservicetothelist entertheservice sname in the Service Name field enter the service s range in the Port Range fields and select the service s protocol from the Protocol drop down menu Then click Add ...

Page 15: ...f protocol you wish to use for each application TCP UDP or Both IP Address Enter the IP address After you have entered all the information into the fields click Enable to enable port range forwarding for that application When you have finished making changes click Save Settings to save the changes or click Cancel Changes to undo your changes The Applications GamingTab Port Triggering Port Triggeri...

Page 16: ...iority trafficon this queue shares 18 of total bandwidth or Low priority traffic on this queue shares 1 of total bandwidth FTP File Transfer Protocol A protocol used to transfer files over a TCP IP network Internet UNIX etc For example HTML pages created for a website on a local machine are typically uploaded to a web server via FTP HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol This protocol s main function i...

Page 17: ...ay from somewhere else on the Internet Remote Management To enable Remote Management click Enabled Remote Username Remote Password and Re enter to confirm Complete these fields to specify the account that will be used for remote management Management Port Enter the port number you will use to remotely access the Gateway SNMP SNMP is a popular network monitoring and management protocol Device Name ...

Page 18: LAN IP or an Internet WAN IP address Ping Size Enter the size of the ping packets Number of Pings Enter the number of times that you want to ping Ping Interval Enter the ping interval in milliseconds Ping Timeout Enter the time in milliseconds Ping Result The results of the ping test will be shown here Click Start Test to start the Ping test The results will be displayed in the Ping Result fiel...

Page 19: ...e Settings A dialog box will ask if you really want to reboot the device Click OK Click Cancel Changes if you want to undo your changes The StatusTab Gateway The Router screen displays information about your Gateway and its WAN Internet Connections Status Gateway Gateway Information Firmware Version This is the version number of the Gateway s current firmware MAC Address This is the Gateway s MAC ...

Page 20: ...P Clients Table to show the current DHCP Client data The DHCP Clients Table displays the MAC address computer name and IP address of the network clients using the DHCP server This data is stored in temporary memory and changes periodically To delete a client from the DHCP server select the client then click Delete Click Refresh to refresh the screen Click Close to close the screen DHCP Clients Tab...

Page 21: ... the following order Gateway PC I cannot access the web based utility after my computer goes into sleep mode Disconnect the power from the Gateway and reconnect it You should be able to access the web based utility once the Gateway has fully booted I need to modify the settings on my Gateway Open your web browser 1 Type the gateway s IP address into the address bar the 2 default IP address is 192 ...

Page 22: ...orts Power LINE ADSL Ethernet 1 4 Buttons One Reset Button One On Off Switch Cabling Type UTP CAT 5 or better Phone Cable POTS LEDs Power Ethernet 1 4 DSL Internet Environmental Dimensions 186 x 48 x 154 mm Weight 360 g Power External 12V DC 1A Certifications FCC Part 15B Class B FCC Part 68 UL 1950 CE Operating Temp 0 to 40ºC Storage Temp 20 to 70ºC Operating Humidity 10 to 85 noncondensing Stora...

Page 23: ...oduct or software is used will be free of vulnerability to intrusion or attack The product may include or be bundled with third party software or service offerings This limited warranty shall not apply to such third party software or service offerings This limited warranty does not guarantee any continued availability of a third party s service for which this product s use or operation may require...

Page 24: ...overed under this limited warranty will be subject to charge at Linksys then current rates Technical Support This limited warranty is neither a service nor a support contract Information about Linksys current technical support offerings and policies including any fees for support services can be found at www linksys com support General This limited warranty is governed by the laws of the jurisdict...

Page 25: ...ienced radio TV technician for assistance Safety Notices Caution To reduce the risk of fire use only No 26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord Do not use this product near water for example in a wet basement or near a swimming pool Avoid using this product during an electrical storm There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning Industry Canada Statement This Class B digital app...

Page 26: ...směrnice 2002 96 ES zakazuje aby zařízení označené tímto symbolem na produktu anebo na obalu bylo likvidováno s netříděným komunálním odpadem Tento symbol udává že daný produkt musí být likvidován odděleně od běžného komunálního odpadu Odpovídáte za likvidaci tohoto produktu a dalších elektrických a elektronických zařízení prostřednictvím určených sběrných míst stanovených vládou nebo místními úřa...

Page 27: ...ο οποίο αγοράσατε το προϊόν Français French Informations environnementales pour les clients de l Union européenne La directive européenne 2002 96 CE exige que l équipement sur lequel est apposé ce symbole sur le produit et ou son emballage ne soit pas jeté avec les autres ordures ménagères Ce symbole indique que le produit doit être éliminé dans un circuit distinct de celui pour les déchets des mé...

Page 28: ...berendezéseinek felszámolásához további részletes információra van szüksége kérjük lépjen kapcsolatba a helyi hatóságokkal a hulladékfeldolgozási szolgálattal vagy azzal üzlettel ahol a terméket vásárolta Nederlands Dutch Milieu informatie voor klanten in de Europese Unie DeEuropeseRichtlijn2002 96 ECschrijftvoordatapparatuurdie is voorzien van dit symbool op het product of de verpakking nietmagwo...

Page 29: ...niť prípadným negatívnym dopadom na životné prostredie a zdravie ľudí Ak máte záujem o podrobnejšie informácie o likvidácii starého zariadenia obráťte sa prosím na miestne orgány organizácie zaoberajúce sa likvidáciou odpadov alebo obchod v ktorom ste si produkt zakúpili Slovenščina Slovene Okoljskeinformacijezastranke v Evropski uniji Evropska direktiva 2002 96 ES prepoveduje odlaganje opreme s t...


Page 31: ...You fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement Limited Warranty The warranty terms and period specified in the applicable Linksys Product User Guide shall also apply to the Software Disclaimer of Liabilities IN NO EVENT WILL LINKSYS OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST DATA REVENUE OR PROFIT OR FOR SPECIAL INDIRECT CONSEQUENTIAL INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES REGARDLESS OF CAUSE INCLUD...

Page 32: ...ry To prevent this we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone s free use or not licensed at all The precise terms and conditions for copying distribution and modification follow TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION This License applies to any program or other work 0 which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distribute...

Page 33: of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange or Accompany it with the information you received as c totheoffertodistributecorrespondingsourcecode This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer in accord with Subsection b above The source code for a work m...

Page 34: ... Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns Each version is given a distinguishing version number If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and any later version you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by...

Page 35: ...y for the free library Also if the library is modified by someone else and passed on the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version so that the original author s reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others Finally software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program We wish to make sure that a company cannot eff...

Page 36: You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the 1 Library s complete source code as you receive it in any medium provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty and distribute a copy of this License along with the Library ...

Page 37: ... Library because it contains portions of the Library rather than a work that uses the library The executableisthereforecoveredbythisLicense Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables When a work that uses the Library uses material from a header file that is part of the Library the object code for the work may be a derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not W...

Page 38: ...copy modify sublicense link with or 8 distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this License Any attempt otherwise to copy modify sublicense link with or distribute the Library is void and will automatically terminate your rights underthisLicense However partieswhohavereceived copies or rights from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parti...


Page 40: ... cryptographic software written by Eric Young eay cryptsoft com This product includes software written by Tim Hudson tjh cryptsoft com Original SSLeay License Copyright 1995 1998 EricYoung eay cryptsoft com All rights reserved This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young eay cryptsoft com The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscape s SSL This library is free for co...

Page 41: ...TION HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY WHETHER IN CONTRACT STRICT LIABILITY OR TORT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE ARISING IN ANYWAY OUT OFTHE USE OFTHIS SOFTWARE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE Thelicenseanddistributiontermsforanypubliclyavailable version or derivative of this code cannot be changed i e this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distr...
