Business Applications
Alternative to Fixed Line Broadband
Are you moving to a new or temporary
offi ce where the cost of installing a
temporary broadband fi xed line con-
nection is too great?
Do you have to wait some time for
broadband to be installed?
Do you need broadband access to the
Internet but because of remote geog-
raphy you have no coverage by fi xed
line broadband?
The Linksys Wireless-G Router for 3G/
UMTS Broadband allows you access
to the Internet where there is simply
no other option. In many countries
there are delays of 4-6 weeks for a
broadband fi xed line connection to be
installed. This is where the Linksys
Wireless-G Router for 3G/UMTS
Broadband has been a life-line for
companies setting up for the fi rst time
or expanding and moving offi ces.
With a mobile high speed connection
to the Internet you may not even notice
when the fi xed line is connected!
Benefi ts
Now you’re not dependent upon the
broadband fi xed line vendor plans or
timescales. Maintain business as usual
access to customers, partners and
Disaster Recovery
Constant communication with your
customers is the lifeblood of your com-
pany. You need constant access to high
speed Internet via your broadband
fi xed line connection. What happens if
this connection is severed, for instance,
during construction work? You need a
disaster recovery plan but the cost of
purchasing an alternative broadband
fi xed line is prohibitive.
The Linksys Wireless-G Router for 3G/
UMTS Broadband can be set to auto-
matically switch over to the 3G network
should the fi xed-line connection be lost.
All the essential offi ce network routines
such as scheduled backups essential
fi les, email and Internet transactions are
capable of being effected via the Linksys
Wireless-G Router for 3G/UMTS
Benefi ts
Implement a low cost and versatile, dis-
aster recovery solution which keeps you
up and running in the event of broad-
band fi xed line failure.
Linksys Wireless-G Router for
3G/UMTS Broadband (WRT54G3G)