Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 7
SPVC and SVC Commands
Related Commands
addcon, cnfabrtparmdft, dspabrtparmdft
MGX8850.1.10.AXSM.a > cnfabr 1 77 777 -mcr 100
THE SG NUM is: 0.
Configuration successful
Keyword that specifies the maximum number of cells that the source can send for
each forward RM-cell. Nrm is a power of 2 in the range 2–256.
Keyword that specifies the maximum number of milliseconds for one RM-cell to travel
from source to endpoint. The range is 100 x 2
to 100 x 2
Keyword that specifies the Cutoff Decrease Factor (CDF). This value controls the
decrease in Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) associated with Missing RM-cell count (CRM).
CDF can be either or the following:
A power of 2 in the range 1/64 to 1
CRM limits the number of forward RM-cells that may be sent in the absence of
received backward RM-cells. CRM is an integer. Its size is implementation specific.
Keyword that specifies the Fixed Round-Trip Time (FRTT). This is the sum of the
fixed delays plus the propagation delays from the source to the destination and back.
The range is 0– 16.7 seconds.
Keyword that specifies the Transient Buffer Exposure (TBE). This is the negotiated
number of cells that the network would like to limit the source to sending during
startup periods, before the first RM-cell returns. The range is 0–16,777,215 cells.
Keyword that specifies the internal virtual source / virtual destination (VS/VD).
Keyword that specifies the external virtual source / virtual destination (VS/VD).
Log: log
State: active
Privilege: GROUP1